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  1. F

    200gr AB 300 win mag

    Had not loaded the 200 NAB for the Winny yet, so grabbed my trusty Nosler reloading manual and decided to use its suggested powder, H4831. Will report back.
  2. F

    Alaska Average 1st Shot Distance

    My average is 160
  3. F

    7mm Mashburn Super RL33 175 Woodleighs

    I wonder the velocities Bob Hagel would have gotten out of the 7 Mash if Re-33 was available back in the day......
  4. F

    The old “two-close-together, one-out” group syndrome.. Help!

    I've been there, brother. Are all shots fired at the same time? I've been involved with several rifles--especially overbore cartridges, e.g. 264WM--where they would stop throwing flyers if you let the rifle cool down after the 2nd shot. Try shooting groups of two then wait and see what...
  5. F

    H1000 vs RL22 300 Win Mag 180AB

    I load 200's in the Winny with H1000 but prefer a faster powder for the 180's. Currently using IMR4350 with good results for NBTs.
  6. F

    Favorite powder for .308WIN in a carbine barrel?

    H322 with 125 gr. 748, 4895 or CFE223 for 150's.
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    Favorite powder for 45acp?

    WST under a 200 LSWC
  8. F

    300 WM 180 AB - Best Starting Point?

    Helped a friend load for his. BTs instead of ABs. Settled on IMR4350 after using a number of slower powders, e.g., 4831, 7828, Re22. He's very happy. Capable of shooting bugeyes.
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    QL 338-06

    I shoot 200 NABs over Re-15 in my Ackley version. Accurate.
  10. F

    35 Whelen reload suggestions

    I've used CFE223 also
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    .348 owners

    Looks cool. I love old bullets and reloading manuals, but I only shoot cast boolits in my lever actions now. 225 and 250 in .348".
  12. F

    300 Win Mag loads with 180 Accubonds

    I don't own a Winny but helped a buddy reload 180 BT's. It was a close call between IMR4831 and IMR4350, but I have a saying "When in doubt, go with the faster powder." (My experience; YMMV.) He shoots bug eyes with that 4350. Anyhow, a 4831 speed powder should work quite well. For that...
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    .41 mag hunting load

    I bought mine used from a Texas LEO. Still 90%+. I love it as much as my M13 3" RB (FBI Gun).
  14. F

    .41 mag hunting load

    This was a classic. ... box-of-100
  15. F

    338 06 and ????? Projectile

    I have an Ackley version and am having some good indications from 210 Swift Sirocco over Re-17. That said, if it doesn't settle down into a dependable load, then it's back to 210 NPT or 200 NAB over Re-15.
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    .41 mag hunting load

    A S&W M58 for hunting.....very cool. Hoping it's nickel, too!
  17. F

    QuickLoad questions thread...

    I just found this sticky, and I'm glad I did. I've owned QL for several years but don't feel like I've really fully used it. Re: QuickDesign, I have a copy as well. I like wildcats, so marrying the two has been very helpful in getting started on load development. One question: Does any sort...
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    favorite powder for 7x57 w 140gr

    I'd look at Re-19
  19. F

    Help loading .308 for Win model 100

    Cool rifle. A buddy of mine dropped a huge muley about 4 years ago with his late father's M100 using a 150 NBT over Varget. I'd agree on the crimping, and, yes, a SB sizing die is smart. He's not shot 165's out of it, but I'd suspect a mid-burn rate powder would work. Good luck.....and this...