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    Getting a Swan Out Of A Ugly Duckling

    That looks great Rodger. Love my M70 push feed, real smooth action. You and I have similar work benches. Let us know how it shoots. BN
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    New Sierra bullets

    Thanks for the tip Fotis. I just ordered some for my new to me 270. Went on the Nosler pro shop sight first to burn up a $50 rebate visa card, but it didn't go through for some reason. Saw this post and went to Midway. Free bullets are free bullets. Wanted to try some Sierras in the "new"...
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    Range day - 300 WM

    Those both look great. Nice job. How far off the lands are you seating the Etip? Thanks
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    Guy, you are a step ahead because you are able to recognize your limitations and adapt to them. Some can't or won't. You also put in the practice time to keep your skillset sharp. Sounds like you could use some nice shooting or trigger sticks? Keep at it. Good luck this season.
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    Nice score on the new gun TD. Let us know how it shoots. I assume you are going to put it in a B/C stock or something similar? Sure like my push feed M70 in the BC Medalist. Much more comfortable shooting stock than the featherweight, just not as pretty to look at.
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    Loading for rifle with tight chamber?

    My new to me sporterized Mauser in 30-06 was like that. I had no new brass or shells to try in it when I got it and it wouldn't chamber resized brass from my other '06. But new brass and new ammo worked fine. I do watch the OAL of the brass closely and have just gotten into the habit of...
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    Weekly hunting rifle practice

    Nice work Guy. Classic matched pair of rifles you have there that can cover just about anything, as you've shown. Keep up the practice. Hope your neck issue resolves itself.
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    Quick trip to the range- 6.5 Creedmoor

    That'll work as far you feel comfortable pulling the trigger I bet. Well done.
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    22 LR scope recommendation

    Yep, I was thinking of doing something like this: ... icle-matte They have a 6-18x too and there is a Nikon rimfire along these lines too. I don't see how you go wrong with them for casual plinking or even some club competition. You can always upgrade...
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    22 LR scope recommendation

    I have an old Leupold 2-7x33 Vari X II on one gun and a Simmons 22 mag 4x on another. They are both good scopes for plinking and hunting. They both look and feel right on these 22 rifles, as they are slightly smaller scopes. However, the one bolt gun really deserves more magnification to eek...
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    Quickload request...270WIN, IMR 4955, 145ELDX

    That sounds like a great load. Be sure to let us know how the ELD-X performs on game. Thanks. Bret
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    A question of head space... ... -lock-stud Add a $5 case length gauge for your caliber, chuck it up in your cordless drill and trim away. I have a sporterized Mauser 30-06 with a tight chamber and abrupt leade. I have to watch case length very closely in that gun. I have only...
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    Trophy bonded tips

    Sounds like mixed reviews on the Trophy bonded bullet, both here and on Midway USA. Still, I have a new to me .270 that I think I'll try the 130's with. Never had a .270, but that stoutly built 130 would do the trick on most anything I think. Might have to buy a box of Sierras and/or Noslers...
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    What to do with an 03 Springfield.

    You could try a Lee collet die or other neck sizings die. That would also ensure the brass closely fits the chamber. Eventually, you'll have to FL size to push the shoulder back. I've been happy with my Lee collet dies.
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    Caribou Rifles..

    Great article Mike. Thanks for sharing it. I also liked the family caribou hunt articles that were linked to it.
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    Need Some Info on Tikka T3 Lite

    That's a good price on that Tikka. Steel or titanium replacement lugs can be had for $30 or so. Check out eBay and Tikka
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    Build gun.

    You did well on that gun. I got a Sporter Mauser last year for $200, similarly not marked well barrel. But like your other sporter Mauser, it's got Williams peep sights, not drilled and tapped. The Timney sportsman trigger for $50-55 was a nice addition. They are a solid base for a build, or...
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    Joy of simple reloading

    I have a couple guns that I keep it very simple when reloading. One is a sporterized Mauser with peep sights and one is a 308 I intended to use 125 gr starting loads for my kids. Cases get trimmed as needed, but I use Lee dippers to measure powder. I use a starting load, rather than a...
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    Neck Sizing

    I use Lee collet dies and really like them. I do believe they pruduce more accurate ammo than my FL dies generally. But I also really like that I don't have to lube the cases. Eliminating a step makes the process go a little faster. I do still FL size in some guns and you will eventually...
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    Wear out gun.

    I have a 783 and really like it, except for the stock. The fore end is way too flexible, but many of the bargain guns suffer from the same plastic stock compromise. Laminate stocks can be had for the 783, Axis, or Ruger American at Boyd's in their clearance section for right around $100. My...