Loading for rifle with tight chamber?


Apr 30, 2016
I picked up a Savage long range hunter in 6.5x284 at the pawn shop and it has a really tight chamber..New brass wouldn't chamber, so I tried FL sizing to SAAMI by the die instructions, and measuring with a Hornady headspace gauge/bushing, the brass is spot on. But the bolt won't close unless I bump back another .002...It want's to close, but it would be more of a "crush fit" at SAAMI specs.... It fired some test loads I made up at "starting loads" with no issues...Is there any special precautions for a tight chamber? I assume keeping a close eye on trim length is a must. I gave the chamber a real good cleaning and drying before beginning any work with loads.
If it's a Savage you can set the headspace correctly if you have the tools to do it. I wonder if it's not a gun someone else put together rather than a factory gun. You can always send it to Savage to have them fix it too. If it won't close on new factory brass it's not right.
with this being a savage , I'd buy a set of go / no go gauges . it sounds like the head space is not set correctly .maybe someone had the barrel off at one time . you should be able to chamber virgin brass with out any problems .
Yep. Good points..ive got a barrel nut wrench that came with the barrel when i changed one out on one few years ago...dern fuzzy head, why didnt i think about that. Guess ill rent gauges and try that. Brain fart over ;)

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My new to me sporterized Mauser in 30-06 was like that. I had no new brass or shells to try in it when I got it and it wouldn't chamber resized brass from my other '06. But new brass and new ammo worked fine. I do watch the OAL of the brass closely and have just gotten into the habit of chucking the brass up in my Lee trimmer after I resize them just to be sure. I guess if you already have the tools, I'd double check the headspace just to be sure.
4:56 pm
Posts: 2396
Location: Idaho
If it's a Savage you can set the headspace correctly if you have the tools to do it. I wonder if it's not a gun someone else put together rather than a factory gun. You can always send it to Savage to have them fix it too. If it won't close on new factory brass it's not right.
with this being a savage , I'd buy a set of go / no go gauges . it sounds like the head space is not set correctly .maybe someone had the barrel off at one time . you should be able to chamber virgin brass with out any problems .

Rented the headspace gauges, should be here next week..However in preparation I removed the stock from the action, and found the action screws very difficult to get broke loose. I almost couldn't believe that someone, presumably the same person that set the headspace, used red loctite on the action screws! So I cleaned the screws and chased the threads in the action and the screws snug up fine..So I'm not sure why the red was used..