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  1. Ridgerunner665

    Reloading Press Service Question

    Any light oil will be fine, don't use grease, it's messy and collects debris from depriming. I use whatever flavor of gun oil I have at time, currently Ballistol, but I've used CLP, Rem Oil, and probably even motor oil at one time or another.
  2. Ridgerunner665

    Haven't hunted in a couple of years, but I'm going this year.

    Finally made it to the range to check zero on the 280AI, using rounds I loaded 5 years ago... that rifle don't know how to miss. Fired 3 rounds at 100 to clear her throat since it ain't been fired in a few years (.7 moa), dialed up 2.75 moa and sent one into the 8 inch plate at 385 yards. Then...
  3. Ridgerunner665

    Haven't hunted in a couple of years, but I'm going this year.

    17 year old son will be doing all the hard stuff, and we'll be hunting on my father in laws farm so most lifting and pulling will be done with the tractor.
  4. Ridgerunner665

    Haven't hunted in a couple of years, but I'm going this year.

    Yep....160 AB, RL 26, CCI BR2...2,940 fps... never has failed me.
  5. Ridgerunner665

    Haven't hunted in a couple of years, but I'm going this year.

    I'm still not really that interested in hunting, but since the heart attack, I need the meat... and my teenage son is really looking forward to it. So I'll be dusting off the ole M48 280AI in a few days when I get some energy back. Looking to put at least 4 in the freezer for ground meat for...
  6. Ridgerunner665

    Heart Attack while Hunting

    Sorry Guy, it was me that posted here and brought the thread back up...I thought of this thread as I was laying in ICU after my heart attack last week.... wasn't quite playing with a full deck just yet when I posted here lol. I should have started my own thread, did not mean to hijack yours.
  7. Ridgerunner665

    Heart Attack while Hunting

    Yes...1 stent in the left main artery.
  8. Ridgerunner665

    Heart Attack while Hunting

    Add me to the club... had a widowmaker heart attack 2 nights ago.... I'm gonna be around a while longer it looks like, but it was close. Its been a rough couple of days... I'm feeling pretty good, just very sore, I never knew CPR left you so roughed up... no broken ribs, but they sure are sore.
  9. Ridgerunner665

    unstable 160 gr accubonds 7MM mag

    I run the 160 AB at that same speed from a 24 inch 9 twist barrel and get great accuracy out to 800 yards... thats all the scope adjustment I have (Zeiss HD5)... been using this load for several years, it has never failed me in my 280 AI.
  10. Ridgerunner665

    280AI Rebuild

    I only want 22" on short action rounds (7mm-08 and such) 280AI is 24", I wouldn't mind if it was 26".
  11. Ridgerunner665

    Finally back in... been locked out of here for months

    No idea why I was locked out, wasn't banned... just glad to be back. Thanks guys for fixing it.
  12. Ridgerunner665

    Accubond 160 gr Broken Tips

    I'd be interested to see those ran into water jugs at 2900-3000 fps... just out of curiosity. A bonded wide mouth hollowpoint violent initial expansion with plenty of penetration?
  13. Ridgerunner665

    What's so Special about the 270 Win?

    When it was introduced in 1925 it was a hot little number... today, it's mostly riding on its history and reputation. Easily accurate, very light recoil, powerful enough for elk size game at reasonable distances.... not much not to like. My wife shoots one, M70 Featherweight (FN built)...
  14. Ridgerunner665

    Accurate Powders

    I use a lot of 9 and 4100 in pistols... my 2 favorite pistol powders.
  15. Ridgerunner665

    Heart Attack while Hunting

    I haven't replied to this yet I don't think... but I've been following it Guy. I'm glad you got through this pretty well, all things considered... living a healthy active life really helps with this stuff. A fishing buddy of mine, 33 years old, pretty overweight, but tough as a pine knot and...
  16. Ridgerunner665


    I'm one who has been pretty critical of RL22 in the past, and I have good reasons for that (personal experience, not read about it)... it can be temperamental. BUT... it can also be pretty great. I've used a good bit of MRP (exact same powder as 22, just a different label) in 270 and have come...
  17. Ridgerunner665

    Federal Flight Control is not a marketing gimmick... HUGE difference.

    I've read that some shotguns don't like it much... mine isn't one of them. The best 00 pattern at 15 yards without Flite Control in my shotgun has been almost 13 inches... that was Winchester Super X buffered 9 pellet full power. Federal Flite Control 9 pellet 00 low recoil shoots 2 inch...
  18. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Finally.... I found some Federal LE 00 buckshot, the low recoil 9 pellet load (LE132) Flite Control at a price I could stomach. I wanted this for my wife... had to get it by the case to get the reasonable price, I got 2. Shouldn't need any more though, she practices with my reloads.
  19. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    The Western link I posted up there has some pretty warm 357 and 44 loads in it using cast. For example, 300 grain 44 mag, at 1,350 fps from an 8 inch barrel. That data was last updated in 2016
  20. Ridgerunner665

    New Hard cast data manual ?

    Also... Western powders has some cast data online.