Haven't hunted in a couple of years, but I'm going this year.


Oct 28, 2008
I'm still not really that interested in hunting, but since the heart attack, I need the meat... and my teenage son is really looking forward to it.

So I'll be dusting off the ole M48 280AI in a few days when I get some energy back.

Looking to put at least 4 in the freezer for ground meat for tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes, etc.
Go for it!

By poor planning I managed to miss most of our deer, elk and bear seasons. It's birds only for me this season. Thankfully there's a lot of meat in the freezer from last year's muley doe, and a cow elk I took early this year. I'm pretty bummed about this year's season, it's all behind me now.

Best of luck on your hunt(s) and great adventures afield with your son!
160 AB on game is a great performer! (One of my fav's!)
Finally made it to the range to check zero on the 280AI, using rounds I loaded 5 years ago... that rifle don't know how to miss.

Fired 3 rounds at 100 to clear her throat since it ain't been fired in a few years (.7 moa), dialed up 2.75 moa and sent one into the 8 inch plate at 385 yards.

Then let my son fire 3 at 100 yards, .5 moa, then 1 at the 8 inch 385 yard plate, he nailed it.

They didn't have any plates hanging at 500 today for some reason.

Then we put the 280AI back in the case and broke out the M&P 15-22.

We're ready.
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I blame Jim and his M700 that shoots the lights out for getting me hooked on the 280AI. That 160 AB at 3K is just about perfect!
Good luck on your hunt!
Did someone mention my name?
The 160 gr AB at 3000 fps is indeed lethal, especially with surgical precision.



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One of my favorite deer loads used the 160AB in a 7WSM at just over 3,000fps. Easy to load, accurate and deadly. It dispatched whitetails quickly. Most of them only went 18", straight down.

Good luck with your return to the fields.