Search results

  1. Ridgerunner665

    #2 lead bird shot for home defense

    In case you're ever attacked in your home by pizza boxes wearing kids coveralls.... this info could safe your life 🤣 Shot from 15 paces, likely about 15 meters, 12 gauge Remington XLR 1 1/4 oz. #2 lead bird shot round...advertised at 1,330 fps on the box, does 1,255 fps from my 18.5 inch...
  2. Ridgerunner665

    Way past reloading 101

    The current list is pretty short... but the list of rounds I have loaded in the past is pretty extensive.
  3. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    I'm not against pistol grip stocks.... they have their place, but the Mossberg version is lacking compared to what is on the Benelli M4, which is much thicker and rubber coated. I like that M4, ALOT, but I'm too poor for $2000 shotguns, and don't want a semi auto for this anyway...I'm stuck on...
  4. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the Magpul stock and fore end too, the factory fore end leaves a little to be desired, the stock isn't terrible but the pistol grip is too thin, kinda painful even for me with heavy hitting loads (and my hands are pretty tough)... I'm sticking with the ghost ring...
  5. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Measured some shot charges... The #2 birdshot rounds are labeled as 1 1/4 ounce loads... actual weight is 1 5/16 oz...105 pellets... there is some variation in the pellet size, most are .155", some are .143" (that is closer to #3 shot). The #1 buckshot rounds, Winchester Super X, have 16...
  6. Ridgerunner665

    2023 Bullet Wish List

    240 grain 41 caliber handgun partition.
  7. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    Found some shells to try...Remington Express XLR, 1.25 ounces of #2 lead shot (108 pellets), at an advertised 1,330 fps... it is a 2.75 inch shell, not even a magnum 2.75", but close (3.75 dram eq.) Gonna rig up a test with some old hunting clothes....see if this stuff will do its thing through...
  8. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    There's some neat new defense oriented ammo available....Winchester just released a new one in their Defender line. 1.125 ounces (~100 pellets) of copper plated #2 shot at 1,145 fps... on paper that hits a sweet spot.... plenty of penetration for a bad guy, but won't blow through every wall in...
  9. Ridgerunner665

    Home defense shotguns

    With age, comes change... I'm not that old, 49, and my vision is still correctable to 20/15 in both eyes... but front sights and red dots are... well... more complicated than they used to be. Realizing that my AR with the CompM4 optic wasn't as quick and accurate as it used to be....I got a...
  10. Ridgerunner665

    700 NE

    Then there's the surgeries for retinal and shoulder detachment on top of that 🤣
  11. Ridgerunner665

    Appendix carry...

    Been a while since I started this thread... I appendix carry a lot, but not all the time. I prefer a nice leather holster on my hip, it just feels "right". a flatbed truck driver, I can't always have the gun on me. The appendix holster lets me put the gun on or take it off in...
  12. Ridgerunner665

    Washington DC

    Drove around 495 east side going north yesterday, drove around 495 west side coming back south today... I hope to get off the east coast tomorrow and head for the midwest somewhere, before the storm comes up the coast.
  13. Ridgerunner665

    Just sick to my stomach...

    If you're down here hunting around home, I know a guy (wife's family) that has a good tracking dog... If I was home I'd come and bring my dog and find it for you, but I'm working.
  14. Ridgerunner665

    Our Latest. The most Versatile Revolver?

    Over the past few years I've accumulated five 357 revolvers, lol. A Taurus I forget the model of (actually bought that one for my Dad as a bedside gun) A Ruger 3 inch SP101 A S&W model wife's carry gun, and the finest revolver I've ever owned, in my opinion. A 686 Performance...
  15. Ridgerunner665


    Yep... even here on the east side of the country it has gotten difficult. Tags are easy, and relatively cheap...permission, on the other hand, has gotten ridiculously difficult and/or expensive. It's the reason I gave up on hunting and took up fishing.
  16. Ridgerunner665

    Hornady 158 XTP/20 in. barrel

    I just got a box of these the other day for my 4 inch 357's... they had the "FP" version too, but I got the regular XTP. I've been shooting 180's because that's all I've been able to find until now... the 180's shoot well enough, but at 1,125 fps at the muzzle they don't open as much as I'd...
  17. Ridgerunner665

    Hunting Priorities?

    I've all but given up on hunting...I still love it, but there's just not much "hunting" to it here in Tennessee. It's just shooting... go sit in the woods and shoot a deer when it comes through...I got bored with it I guess. I've always dreamed of hunting elk in the mountains, I've read...
  18. Ridgerunner665

    lead bullet ban on the way ?

    It won't be cheap.... but wouldn't tungsten make decent bullet?
  19. Ridgerunner665

    30-30 Magnum

    I know powder availability might be an issue... but Accurate 2495, H4895, or IMR4895 (in that order, in my opinion) would do better for downloading 308. Not saying RL15 can't or won't do it... but as mentioned it will be flashy.
  20. Ridgerunner665


    I've got 10 pounds of MRP in 1 pound jugs, all same lot number.... any takers? Lol I'm kidding.... even though I don't really need the MRP, it is a decent backup to the Reloder 26 in my 280AI....I only use the MRP in my wife's 270, which hasn't fired a single round in 3 years...we been doing...