Hornady 158 XTP/20 in. barrel


Oct 15, 2009
Shot out of my Henry Big Boy at about 15 yds into water jugs.

Load was 14.6 gr of H110, CCI small magnum pistol primer. 20220925_162732.jpg20220925_162755.jpg20220925_162743.jpgAverage velocity was 1397 fps, largest diameter was .567. I didn't measure the one wild petal, just the main portion. Retained weight was 139.2 gr.
Excellent performance. It will definitely work for bringing home meat. Thanks for posting.
Make me feel good about the possible bullet performance of my load. It pushes the same bullet just over 1200fps from my revolver and 1500fps from my 14” contender.
I just got a box of these the other day for my 4 inch 357's... they had the "FP" version too, but I got the regular XTP.

I've been shooting 180's because that's all I've been able to find until now... the 180's shoot well enough, but at 1,125 fps at the muzzle they don't open as much as I'd like on impact.

I've got AA9, 4100, and 296 to stoke them with, I figure a hefty dose of any of those should do nicely with the 158, I'm hoping AA9 does well...I like it better than 296, maybe the S&W's will too...two 686's, both 4 inch, one is my wife's regular 686, mine is a Performance Center version.
I wonder if the hollow point would still hold together with a full charge of the H110 and possible +350fps
I just got a box of these the other day for my 4 inch 357's... they had the "FP" version too, but I got the regular XTP.

I've been shooting 180's because that's all I've been able to find until now... the 180's shoot well enough, but at 1,125 fps at the muzzle they don't open as much as I'd like on impact.

I've got AA9, 4100, and 296 to stoke them with, I figure a hefty dose of any of those should do nicely with the 158, I'm hoping AA9 does well...I like it better than 296, maybe the S&W's will too...two 686's, both 4 inch, one is my wife's regular 686, mine is a Performance Center version.
My load is a max load of AA9. It shoots as well in my 586 as I can shoot it. In my contender it will shoot one inch at 100 yards and will ring steel at 300.
Slimfinn, I was using Hornady data which is based on a 16 inch barrel. They call for 1600ish for the load I used, and my barrel is 4 inches longer, so those are the numbers I expected. However, I was 300ish fps under that and not sure why.

I think, based on this shot/bullet, if pushed a lot harder it would probably come apart. I would like to get some 158 XTPFN and 180 XTPs to try also.

Slimfinn, I was using Hornady data which is based on a 16 inch barrel. They call for 1600ish for the load I used, and my barrel is 4 inches longer, so those are the numbers I expected. However, I was 300ish fps under that and not sure why.

I think, based on this shot/bullet, if pushed a lot harder it would probably come apart. I would like to get some 158 XTPFN and 180 XTPs to try also.

I would double check the Hornady load data or charge you used. This is what Hodgdon is showing, they have a starting load greater then what you are loading and show for a 18.5" barrel
My data came from their 11th edition manual, rifle section. They must have updated it online.
I have my 158 xtp fb loaded with 16gr of h110 and shoot in my pistols and ruger m77-357, haven't run them over a crono to know velocity
Hornady used to list the recommended impact velocities for the 158 XTP HP and the FP, but I don't see them listed, or I just can't find it.
The 158 HP has worked flawless for me with deer, antelope, javelina and blackbuck. Shots have ranged to under 40 yards to just under 200 yards in revolvers.
I guess I would lean toward the FP with the carbines (18"ish length barrels), but if all I had was the HP, I would still use them.
Hornady used to list the recommended impact velocities for the 158 XTP HP and the FP, but I don't see them listed, or I just can't find it.
The 158 HP has worked flawless for me with deer, antelope, javelina and blackbuck. Shots have ranged to under 40 yards to just under 200 yards in revolvers.
I guess I would lean toward the FP with the carbines (18"ish length barrels), but if all I had was the HP, I would still use them.
I saw this information not long ago as I was working on my load. I think the 158 HP was like 700-1500 fps and the FP was maybe 1000or 1100-1800 fps or something like that. At least that seem about like what I read.
My great grandfather had an 1892 Winchester rebarreled to .357 Magnum sometime in the 1950's. It is such a hoot to shoot. If I ever draw another antlerless deer tag here in Oregon, that one will probably get the nod. I have also thought about trying to find a Russian Hog hunt to take it on.