If they sent you that from the FFL without looking at it you are 1 lucky man! Great pick up Bruce and gotta be a tack driver! I like the 3.5x18 range scopes on this caliber rifle and I would never rule out a fixed power myself! It deserves some sweet glass for sure! You figured it out yet?
I am stuck this am at the local hidden spot, as this is some decent food and hard to find decent papitas around here! Even harder to find plain old pinto beans, everyone around here thinks they needs more love than they should have! :lol: yes I had to mop up about a tablespoon of standing...
The bad thing about Handi Cap permits is they will not allow a permit holder from another state to use his permit say in your state? Unless something has changed? I still look at that P Chop several times a day and wish I had some papitas next to it and some 40 weight gravy :) nothing wrong with...
I know it's crazy the only state I have been trying to draw for was Colorado and was thinking of doing an ARK-LA-TEX white Tail hunt as I have some leases that I can hunt on ! Always wanted to do a Coues Deer, is it a draw or OTC hunt for outta state hunters? So I will read Zona's Proclomation...
ET thanks for the explanation and I would melt a couple credit cards real quick! Mike and Charlie I would have never figured that one out as being from the Deep South I have never heard of such but it's pretty neat and surely an old tradition in game management when all thi time I thought 22...
Great shooting ET that rite there just makes me wanta grab my 257 Mark V and drive to Colorado and purchase an OTC Tag :) and throw a 100 gr or 110 gr in it and see if I could drop a monster like yours! That is 1 fine stag and how does that work in your area ? How many can ya take in a year...
These balloon fiesta guys are putting a hurt on the restaurants around here rite now but I know of some places they will not find and after dark I will not go near them, but man the tortillas are homemade and the Carne is just outta the oven with red chili smothered all over it and it just falls...
Glad to see those sisters with a big smile on their faces standing over 2 very nice speed goats and I guess you have some good friends that hooked you guys up and I bet you did a little knife sharpening with a big smile on your face for sure! Great story and congrats to them both!
:lol: First Blood for 2014 in the Family I suspect ? Congrats to her and what a shot ! Looks like camp meat chore has been taken care of and that is some good stuff and loads of memories ! I know that made ya smile !! :mrgreen:
I also like the small camp axe for bones or a hack saw but you will enjoy the link above and Pirhanna also has a saw blade model if ya check thier page, i am a BUCK fan and have used or maybe abused a few of them using them as axes at times! Lifetime warranty :lol:
My wife makes some good Pandesal and some mean Lumpia but everything I have seen on Vince's plate has been good old home cooking for sure, I used to mix fried tomatoes in with my fried tatters back when I was a youngster! Would go good with squirrel and dumplins! I tell you the smell of green...
Congrats from NM!! That is some good stuff, Family getting it done and ya gotta be a proud Papa ! Someone said the speed goat was kin to the giraffe family? I found that unusual?
Vince you are a great cook as I have gained 25 lbs and started liking eggplant ! Dr please slow dow coming thru ABQ as I will have Vince a couple sacks of hot Hatch, Chili to throw in that Tundra! Gas is down here in ABQ as we have all these nutty balloon Fiesta stuff going on ! 2.86 a gal...
I like the duplex's as well, I think I have 3 atleast and also like the wide duplex and think I might go with that one on a larger caliber rifle myself? Would be easier to get on target a tad faster maybe? Those German reticles are nice as well ! That deer will not care if it was a 375 or a 243...
I had one of those in my hands Super Grade miss marked and even took pictures of it but low and behold I walked away without buying it ?,think I hit my head as my brain was saying buy it ASAP and my legs were saying walk off which was a huge mistake! She was a Beauty!
I have made several...
I have had screws back out over time and have 8 Weatherby Rifles and would not install an action screw without it! Trick is using the rite color! Purple is your friend!
:shock: :mrgreen: :lol:
This was bought about the same time the HD's came out and no remorse here :mrgreen: also at a great price and it sets atop my Weatherby 22-250 Super Varmint Master and it has the Varmint Reticle :mrgreen: also have a test tube of black sand from Iwo trip my Father...