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  1. H

    Brass Tumblers / Cleaner

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:
  2. H

    To many tags not enough time

    Sounds like ya need a big freezer or a couple anyway and plenty of sharp knives!! Best of luck and hope ya fill them all what kinda Weatheby's ya shooting?
  3. H

    Why ???? Nosler Patriot 7mm08

    Beautiful rifles deserve beautiful mounts! Does not get much nicer than the Near Manufacturing Alpha Hunter Ring Mount as it comes with a 10MOA cant, Truly a work of a fine machinist ! :mrgreen:
  4. H

    Post your Hunting Rigs - Mine - 2014 Dodge Ram 2500HD

    Had to eventually install chains to get thru this but it dropped about 4 more inches of snow before my 93 Pick up flinched with LTX AT 2's on it! We had to eventually leave as this picture is around 12K foot at the south end of the Green Horn in the Wet mountains!
  5. H

    Post your Hunting Rigs - Mine - 2014 Dodge Ram 2500HD

    I am not, sure how you guys drive them rigs upside down and sideways but being an old CJ5 V6 driver for 12 years I have done a lot of that myself but my new rig is not as good as the old CJ but with the tires I have on it she will spin till she sets down and then she will need a logging chain ...
  6. H

    Getting Ready for Elk Season

    2811 fps is some kinda smoking Scotty, that rite their would probably be enough to knock down a small black bear in case he wants your lunch! Or just tell Brandon to take care of him! Any bear tags during elk hunt possible? Man that Newton is taking shape and I know you are diggin that!
  7. H

    Gun Store Called

    I guess a gun store would probably be the only place that would want my number as well ! It is a nice looking rig and I reall like the round a lot as I was looking at a build and this would probably be the caliber to work with! Will not cost an arm and 2 legs to shoot long range with it like my...
  8. H

    404 Jeffery

    FOTIS this is where you insert a sexy picture from Mr. Roy's creation the 460 BEE :lol: go BIG or go HOME !
  9. H

    Good afternoon at the range

    Guy I think as long as you are pleased it could be pink with white polka dots as long as it performs is all that matters ! I actually like both faces the Green Machine wears and I started on Remington's years ago as well but never owned a bolt back in the day as it was always the hanging up 742...
  10. H

    Weakness not involved !

    I thought it had the recoil pad redone but was not sure about the finish but I guess that would explain it's cheaper price but I was not sure with the lighting on the rifle in the pictures! The blue did look really new and the stock as well but it still looked sweet! Someone just trying to pass...
  11. H

    Worth the hike

    That is a really nice place , any place with water is a welcome sight ! Really beautiful place for sure!
  12. H

    Weakness not involved !

    Dave Tooley been trying to talk me into a 338 Norma mag because he has the reamer ! He says it's the most accurate of the 338's at longer ranges? This Model 70's are normally 7 or 8 hundred more than what they can be found at most places on the online sites! I think this rifle is in fine shape...
  13. H

    Weakness not involved ! ... =436316501 you have to do the rest on your own as i was a keystroke from buying this one about a week ago but just could not push the button so have at it and if ya get it please let me look at it on occasion. best wishes :mrgreen: :lol...
  14. H

    Shot a few groups with the .30-338 Norma Imp today

    It is a fine tack driver for sure! Just needs a belt and more case capacity :) Great shooting as you were sure doing your job !
  15. H

    257 Weatherby

    Yep the load used to achieve 4024 fps is a little hot to post numbers but I would just use book data and not push it much as most any critter will not care about you maxing a load out but RJ if ya use some of the MRP post up your results as I think that's what Norma uses anyway? I will not run...
  16. H

    2014 Hunting Pictures

    He was probably too full to raise his head :lol: I just hope he was on your private land :shock: what is the dark green plot in the back ground?
  17. H

    Wyoming Huntress ready!

    I think she is more than ready and best wishes as that hunt should bring memories for years! I think that the speed goats are in serious trouble !
  18. H

    Girlfriend's new coyote rifle

    Nice looking rig Jeff, those yotes have to know you guys are plotting up on them so it's great that she will be able to reach out and touch them ! How heavy is it? Good luck on the speed goat as they are elusive once they bust ya!
  19. H

    Optics for 260 Remington

    Would not mind this one if it was me buying it for anyone!
  20. H

    Accurate Ordnance! BUILD FINISHED!

    Really nice rig and it is coming together for sure, Beautiful build and for sure a tack driver ! Try some of these in it till ya get you're reloading setup ! Not much better factory ammo out their! ... ter-match/ Little bitty bug holes will take your...