To many tags not enough time

Gm weatherby man

Dec 19, 2010
In my family hunting party we have 4 Moose draws, 3 cow elk draws, 4 mule deer draws, everything we applied for but the bison draw, that's including all the whitetail tags and bear tags, crazy eh ?
Sounds like ya need a big freezer or a couple anyway and plenty of sharp knives!! Best of luck and hope ya fill them all what kinda Weatheby's ya shooting?
Moose and Elk in the same WMU's? If not wow you'll have alot of travelling too.
My dad , BIL , and myself drew 3 moose tags the same year once. By the time we had dealt with all of them from field to freezer we decided to not pull the trigger on anything else that year. I was joking that would be the only year I would have turned down a BOONER !! Lol( of course not)
I bought my tags yesterday . Wildlife certificate, bowhunting permit, general WT , archery mule deer , archery elk, archery moose, and game bird lisc. $200, and I still have to get a Federal migratory stamp.
Gm weatherby man":1btdt8ma said:
In my family hunting party we have 4 Moose draws, 3 cow elk draws, 4 mule deer draws, everything we applied for but the bison draw, that's including all the whitetail tags and bear tags, crazy eh ?

Outstanding! You're going to be busy! :grin:
Unfortunately not, but I don't mind expanding my horizons once in awhile, it will force me to mix it up a bit . Lol
Alberta, a once mighty province to fish and hunt, not so much these days, but enjoy and cherrish what we have.
Congratulations on the tags.
Let me know if you need any help filling tags. :)

WOW, what a great opportunity, have a great fall. Send us pictures, as you move along.
Thanks, I also hope we all have enjoyable year and many more, I'm looking forward to sharing and seeing all your successful stories afield. :p
Bud you are going to be a fairly busy hunter :wink:!! I sure hope that everything goes well for you & your hunting family/partners.
I am looking forward to some real good stories with photos :).
Shoot straight, have Fun & be Safe!!!

Alberta is a great province to hunt, that's for sure. Again, wishing you and your party every success.
Sounds like you have pics of the Game Commissioner that he doesn't want the public to see!!!!

Sweet deal and good luck.