Search results

  1. N

    Remington 788

    Been looking for a nice Remington 788 for years and one of my customer heard I sometime buy rifles. He was not sure of the caliber,ended up being a like new 788 in 30-30. Not my first chose of calibers but I bought it anyway. Should be a fun shooter. Anybody else have and shoot a Remington 788 ...
  2. N

    Which rifle for Elk

    I have saved my money and able to go Elk hunting for the first time this fall. The area we are going is wide open and may have to take a shot out to 400 + yards. I'm not comfortable taking a shot pass 500 yards,so I won't. I have few hunting rifles and like to get you gentlemen take on the...
  3. N

    Savage /Winchester

    Like a lot of rifle enthusiast I like how accurate Savage rifle are but have a hard time getting by there ugliness. I have a Savage model 11 with a accru-trigger and a tupperware stock for a few years that I wanted to dress up. Recieved a email from Boyd stocks a while back for replacement...
  4. N

    Shot new 300 H&H-not good

    viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19368 Well I went and shot my new to me 1917 Enfield 300 H&H and it was splitting the case right above the belt. Took it to my local...
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    Finally got me a 300 H&H

    Bought my 1st 300 H&H in a Ruger No.1 a couple years ago and really liked the cartridge. I been looking for a 300 H&H in a bolt rifle every since that was not a collector rifle. (If Winchester comes out with a new model 70 in 300 H&H I'll buy it in a minute) I also really like sporterized 1917...
  6. N

    Im impressed !

    Been wanting one of the Ruger Scout rifles for a while, but held back because of owning a CZ 550 FL in .308 winchester that's very accurate and I will never sell it. Finally bought a Ruger Scout rifle .308 and what a winner IMO. I'm not much into the tactical stuff but this scout rifle will make...
  7. N

    25/06 E-tip load ?

    Just bought some Nosler E-tip 100 gr bullets for my 25/06 and am trying to find a good load for my Ruger #1 with a 26 inch barrel. I checked my lastest Nosler reloading manual and can not find any loading data at all useing the E-tip bullet. Thanks
  8. N

    Remington model 700 VTR

    Anybody have a Remington M700 VTR with the triangular barrel ? I have shot them and they seem accurate, but was wondering if there was a advantage over the round barrel.
  9. N

    Hunt with 6.8 Remington ?

    My wife and I have been shooting the Military rifle match at the local gun range once a month. My wife does quite well and on the way home Saturday she was telling she wishes she could hunt with her AR. Last night I was looking at the 6.8 Rem. cartridge and it looks close to the 250 Savage in...
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    25/06 and ET bullets

    I been useing Barnes X bullets but am switching over to E-tips. One of my go to rifles is a Ruger No.1 25/06 with a 26 inch barrel. First, How does the E-tip work compared to the barnes X bullet? Anybody have a suggestion for a good 25/06 load with a 100 gr. E-tip? thank you
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    160 gr. partition in 270 Win.

    Went to the gun show a while back and bought a box of Nosler .270 160 gr. partitions. Does anybody here use this bullet in a 270 Winchester? I loaded up a few with IMR-4350 and they shot excellent in my Ruger MKII 270 winchester. I may take it on my Elk hunt next year for hunting in timber.
  12. N


    Just wanted to introduce my self. I'm a hunting rifle addict of the worst type.Been hanging around for a while and seems like a very classy place. I don't belong to many forum. I think Nosler bullets set the standard for accuracy.I know when I trying out a new rifle if it won't shoot a ballistic...