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  1. S

    223 deer round

    Head shots are fine if you are that good of a shot but for me I would rather take a good broadside shot with a .243 than even attempt to shoot a deer with a .22 caliber. At least with the .243 you can use a heavier bullet with greater range and in my opinion more accuracy.
  2. S

    7mm - 160 Accubond all-around?

    Looks almost identicle to what the 110's are shooting out of my 25. The only time they get spread out is when I pull a shot.
  3. S

    25 WSM pressure problems?

    Not with this caliber but with the 270wsm. Almost all factory loads were showing signs of pressure. Haven't had any problems with the 25.
  4. S

    .223 caliber for hunting

    Where I'm from you can't use anything under 24 caliber for hunting deer. The 243 is a great caliber and I've taken my share of deer with one. After seeing what a not so good shot can do however, I'm starting my son out this year with a 7mm-08 just for the extra assurance.
  5. S

    does anyone necksize for the wsm's?

    I have a25wssm and a 270 wsm. I have been using the Lee collet dies for both and it has worked fine. The only problems have been that I can't reload the factory cases for the 270 had to use new brass. They all have been alright and reusable. The factory stuff was to hot for that rifle...
  6. S

    What Calibers Are You Loading For?

    Loading for: 257Roberts 243 Win 30-30 Win 444 Marlin 30-06 Spring. 25 WSSM 270 WSM
  7. S

    25-06 troubles......

    It is very simple. Not all rifles like the same bullets. My 25wssm cant group hornadys with any concistancy but it prefers the 120gr. Partitions. My 257 roberts can shoot either or. It boils down to what your rifle likes the best.
  8. S


    I used IMR for this round. It would be nice to have some data to try out. good luck. Once we get another break in the weather I plan on shooting it over the chronograph but in PA who knows when that will be. If you get any results let me know.
  9. S


    I tried out a few different loads 41gr of 4350 was the best for groups. I did't have a chance to crony it to see what velocity it has but as far as groups it put four out of five shots on top of each other and the fifth was within half an inch of the others at 100 yards.
  10. S


    Is there any data for the 120gr. partition available? The only info that I could find was through Hogdon and IMR web sites. They didn't specify which bullet was used.