I understand there are probably better powders available. As stated, I am new to reloading, and bought powder before getting any advice from any experienced reloaders. I am loading for Springfield XDM 3.8 compact and Springfield XDS.
Thanks Bruce. So if the recommended start grains at 1.260" OAL is 5.9 with a never exceed 6.4, what would you recommend a safe starting point would be if my OAL is 1.210 ?
Let me first say that I am new to reloading. I have Nosler .45 acp 230gr FMJ bullets part #44964. using Vhitivouri N340 powder. Vhitivouri load data calls for min. OAL of 1.260". If I load to this OAL, this bullet design engages the rifling in the barrel before the round is fully chambered...