need help reloading 45 acp with v-n340 powder


Jul 31, 2015
Let me first say that I am new to reloading. I have Nosler .45 acp 230gr FMJ bullets part #44964. using Vhitivouri N340 powder. Vhitivouri load data calls for min. OAL of 1.260". If I load to this OAL, this bullet design engages the rifling in the barrel before the round is fully chambered. I have to load to an OAL of 1.210" in order for it to chamber. My factory loads that have a round nose bullet are also 1.260" and they chamber with no problem. Has anyone ran into this. Is it that I simply cannot use this powder with this bullet design? I notice in Noslers load data for this bullet, all of their testing with different powders is all with an OAL of 1.200" . I already checked with Nosler, they just said that they do not have any data for the n340 powder.
Different bullets have varying profiles and require different loading lengths. Just work up your load starting a grain or so below the max to make sure the difference in bullet doesn't cause a pressure problem. As long as the load shoots good and functions in your .45 acp don't sweat it. Obviously Vhitavouri didn't use Nosler bullets in their load testing. Go figure. By the way since your new, you can get Nosler pistol bullets (seconds) from the Shooters Pro Shop cheap and they shoot just as good in my 1911. I really like the 185 custom competitions for practice.
Thanks Bruce. So if the recommended start grains at 1.260" OAL is 5.9 with a never exceed 6.4, what would you recommend a safe starting point would be if my OAL is 1.210 ?
The lightest load that will fully function your pistol But you haven't stated what make of pistol you are loading for, 1911,Glock, Sig, Ruger,S&W?
There are better powders available for the 45 ACP than N-340
I understand there are probably better powders available. As stated, I am new to reloading, and bought powder before getting any advice from any experienced reloaders. I am loading for Springfield XDM 3.8 compact and Springfield XDS.
The 5.9 is o.k. to start with at that length. N340 is better for cast lead or plated bullets than jacketed bullets but it will work. N320 and N310 are better for jacketed loads. Like truck said, its got to cycle your pistol.
The AMU and the Marine Corp pistol teams go to load was a Nosler 185 JHP loaded with N310 if my memory serves me right. I haven't shot with them in a few years and don't know if it has changed.