I’ve never weighed my rifles, but I tend to gravitate towards “standard” weight rifles. Heavy bench rifles are heavy and hard to lug over distances, and lightweight rifles tend to be harder to shoot accurately in practical field positions.
Thanh you. I don’t know if that much can fit in a case, but it lets me know some parameters. Looks like it should be right up there with the RL17 load on speed...
After finding success with RL26 and 180 NABs, with great speed and accuracy, I got to wondering if enough powder under a 165/168 to get similar results, or if I should just stick to RL17?
Could someone please run a QL for my 22” Savage 116 and Tikka T3 using RL26, WW casing, Fed215, and 165 or...
First trip to Colorado for elk. This is actually my backup rifle, as I’ll be using my Savage 116 with 180gr NABs for my primary. I have had that rifle for years and have a lot of confidence and familiarity with it on deer
I received this reply from Barnes today. Their customer service is top notch:
“For distances out to 400 yards the 165 gr. will work great out of a 30-06 I would not worry about the 168 unless you plan on shooting well beyond 400 yards.“
I’m going to stick with the 165s for now and try the 168s...
I’m sure that it is, but I’m just too stubborn. All of my rifles and hunting loads will shoot WAY better than I can in the field. I’m sure that 1.5-2” groups would be more than accurate for hunting
I tried them at .120 jump as well, but had some issues that I can’t remember at this point. I made a note already to try it again, and likely will now based on your recommendations
Alright, I’ve been reloading for years, and have had this phenomenon occur before, with other rifles and loads, but I’ve always been able to “tune it out” by tinkering. I can’t really point to any one thing that I’ve done in the past to fix it, but these 168 TTSXs in my new Tikka T3 30-06 are...
Personally, I am not a big m70 fan. Nothing wrong with them, but I’m just more used to Savages and Tikkas. I know several people who love the m70s, though, and I can’t blame them.
I’m a 30-06 fan, but the 300WM is very appealing. It’s the most practical magnum in my book... but I own 3 - 30-06s...
I went with the Barnes due to a friends experience with them, but I did ponder on the Etips. From what I’ve read they can be a bit pickier on load development, and since they don’t have relief grooves they can reach max pressure well below the velocity potential for the cartridge/bullet weight...
Not for the reason that many people do. It’s not required in my area, I don’t need uber penetration, and I have always gotten great performance out of Accubonds.
It has to do with a meal that my family was eating the other night. Venison spaghetti. My 7 year old daughter was eating hers...
Either a 165 or 180 Accubond from my 30-06 right at the point of the shoulder in the half way between the back and brisket. I usually carry shooting sticks in my left hand walking in since I have been slow on the draw in the past on similar scenarios, so dropping to a kneeling position and...