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  1. G

    ABLR 210 GR 30-06

    I used Vihtavuori N560. I was able to hit 800-1200 meters consistently, but not 1800. I'll test more next week when I have free time. They also seem really soft, so I will use another bullet for my reindeer hunting since that tends to be close.
  2. G

    ABLR 210 GR 30-06

    Oh, I just read where you are from. You may have the store "XXL" in your country aswell then. The wind will most likely be calm tommorow so I will test them on 800-1200-1800 meters.
  3. G

    ABLR 210 GR 30-06

    I live in Norway, and our "cabelas" type store has been going through a rough time so they are getting rid of a lot of stuff. 4.2 cent per 12 3/4 steel 2 shot ammo aswell. Really insane prices. I have tried to exchange with the few local shooters, and none of them wanted to trade even at a 1:1...
  4. G

    ABLR 210 GR 30-06

    Hey, Does anyone have experience hunting with ABLR 210 GR in 30-06? I recently bought a lot of these bullets for $0,086 per, I bought them for target practice. I hunt lead free most of the time, I am however considering using ABLR for hunting reindeer. Just looking for any input. Gunnar