140 accubond or 150 partition in a 270 wsm


Dec 15, 2011
Going cow elk hunting and may have a shot up to 400 yards. What recommendations for the bullet and powder?
Boomer, I have shot an elk with the 140 AB out of the 270WSM, but today, I load the 150 PT's in mine, 65.5 grains of RL22, CCI250 in a WW case, with a 2.860 COAL. Runs out of my rifle a little over 3100. It is my absolute favorite rifle, hands down. It just gets it done. I am using the 150 PT Golds this Fall for it, but they shoot identical to the 150 PTs.

300 yards


100 yards


PT Golds


Regular 150's


Either one of the bullets would be excellent for cow or bull elk. I took my biggest bull to date with the 140 AB, but I tend to like the PT a little more in the 270WSM when tackling elk. Give the load a try, it works too well for me, over and over to not be a decent load in your rifle with a little tweaking. Good luck.
I have shot both out of my 270WSM and currently using the 140AB. Both have dropped elk just the same in my experience so far.
I should think that either bullet will serve you well under the conditions you envision.

Either one will work well on elk. Pick the one that shoots the best from your rifle and don't look back.

Thanks for the advice. I will find which one shoots the best and look forward to elk backstrap.
Undoubtedly either bullet will provide you with the backstraps when an elk presents you with the shot.