168 Ballistic Tips rocks


Feb 13, 2016
I had 8 rounds out of a 50 round batch left before I went deer hunting last week. Already had bagged two bucks and looked for a spike for deer chorizo and sausages. I had bagged one spike, it dropped right there at 180 yards and had 7 rounds of Ballistic Tips left. So I slung the rest of them downrange at the range this morning. Impressive and so stupid accurate for a hunting bullet and I love it. This 100 yard 5 shot group made me grin and the last two rounds to sling further down at 200 yards was impressive. Speed was 2775 fps. Ignore the two smaller holes on the left side of the diamond on the first target, it was a random target I picked to shoot at that someone had left and shot at previously. Here is the .308 GAP and unfortunately I cannot name it the "Green Machine" because I want to avoid copyright infringement because Guy named his first. :mrgreen:




Nice shooting Mark!
That rifle and load rocks.

wvbuckbuster":3axq3rmk said:
That is some fine shooting on paper and deer! Mind sharing your load? Dan.

Please work up your loads and do not jump on it.

Lapua brass, Fed210M, Varget 44.6 grains and COAL is 2.873"
2775 fps. 26 inch barrel, used a drop tube
With the exception of my first deer in '83 with a 30-06, every deer I took from '84-'02(in 02 I got my first 300 WSM) was with a 308. we used ALOT of IMR 3031 back then. 43gr and the 150 BT got me to about 2750fps in my sawed of little mauser and a fixed 6x. killed deer from 20-300yds with that load and most went down where they stood. No stable is complete without one and boy do I wish I had the coin to have one like yours, your scope costs about what my whole current rig cost me. GAP makes some fine rifles and yours shows it. great shooting and congrats on a fine season.
Good bullet. Great load which is not at all unfamiliar to me. (y)

Congrats on sweet results from your own Green Machine!

Those 168gr Ballistic Tips are awesome deer bullets and they group very well out of my rifles too.
Nothing at all wrong with that load! Great shooting and tasty looking venison!

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