168 TTSX in 300 WBY


Aug 20, 2006
300 WBY German MK 5 plan on using 168 TTSX with IMR 7828 anyone reload this Combo?
My brother had great results with the 168ttsx and imr7828 in his 300wby. Its a great bullet and holds up very well at even close range.

86gr IMR7828

I would work up to this load. May be a bit hot.
That sounds great. I just got a 300 WBY and was going to try the ttsx. What kind of group and velocity are you getting.
I use the 168gr TTSX in my 300 Wby w/24" barrel. My load is 78.5 gr. H4350. My velocity is 3275 fps. I bought a new (to me) Japanese Mark V w/26" bbl and I expect to get 3300 FPS or better. Also, accuracy for 3 shots was sub moa (7/8").
In my model 70 in 300 Wby it takes just 84.5 gr of IMR7828 SSC to go 3310 fps but that is the TSX.
It groups really well with that load- well under m.o.a.
Wow, those are some screaming loads! Darn. Might even have to mess with the 168's when I finally get my hands on my 300WBY. Thinking some ET's at 3250-3300 would be pretty serious medicine! Scotty