170 partition laod data

Nosler does, or are you like me where you can't access it at work. Anythink that isn't politicly correct pops up restricted.

What caliber are you loading for?

JD, when I read these post I went and was looking at the 30 cal partitions on the Nosler web-sight and do you know that I noticed that I was missing a black and gold box of 220gr Partitions. I do not think my load development for the 06 would be complete without me stretching the legs of the 220gr Par.

Oh buy the way, with Gustav approaching South La coast and me just 45 miles north of New Orleans and suppose to be on the east side of the storm, I have asked my gunsmith not to ship my 06 until we see what happens with the storm or I might loose my rifle. So there will be a delay on me getting to continue my 06 load development.
i have the 170gr Partition round nose, loaded for the open sighted 300 savage. i have not killed anything with it yet, but someday a deer or bear will fall