1911 Kimber

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

Had the old (1997) Kimber out to the range Sunday, while I was teaching a Basic Handgun class. It still shoots pretty doggone well, after about 85,000 rounds. Thought it looked good enough for a photo too.

Have been shooting some 185 gr Nosler JHP bullets, loaded with Bullseye. Very crisp, and nice tight groups too.

Guy the Nosler 185gr JHP is extremely accurate in most .45 acps and used by all the military pistol teams loaded by Atlanta Arms if I remember right. I used them when I would shoot at Camp Perry in the National Matches and lead bullets for general practice and local matches to save my barrels.
Guy Miner":tkdr5oi7 said:

Had the old (1997) Kimber out to the range Sunday, while I was teaching a Basic Handgun class. It still shoots pretty doggone well, after about 85,000 rounds. Thought it looked good enough for a photo too.

Have been shooting some 185 gr Nosler JHP bullets, loaded with Bullseye. Very crisp, and nice tight groups too.


Wow, that is a bunch of ammo through that gun, are you using new barrels and components after 85,000 rounds? I have two Kimbers in .45 and 38 Super and was wondering.
I have the TLE II but less than 10,000 through it. Never a bobble of any kind. I wore out the internals on my old Colt Commander but had changed recoil springs religiously. Had to have new hammer, sear and disconnector but it was good for slide and frame.
I have a new Bar-Sto barrel & bushing for it, but haven't installed it yet. Am waiting for the original barrel to give up, but it's shooting well enough for me still. Normally I shoot 200 or 230 grain cast lead bullets through it, but... I've grown really fond of the 185 gr Nosler JHP's.

This is the fourth set of grips, they get worn smooth from all the gun handling.

Third set of sights (the tritium stops glowing after a while).

Who knows how many recoil springs and firing pin springs? A bunch!

Had to re-stake the plunger tube twice.

I think that's about it over the 20 years. It was my primary sidearm on patrol, in a gang unit, as a detective and on SWAT. I also carry it most of the time off duty, then and now, preferring a full-size pistol instead of an easier-to-carry compact pistol.

I think I've had those Ray Ban Aviators about 20 years too. :grin: I got a later start in law enforcement after a career in the Marines. Enjoyed being the guy who wore polished black danner boots, basketweave leather gear in an age of nylon duty gear, carrying a 1911 instead of a Glock, and having a full-size wooden stick instead of a telescoping ASP. And the Ray Bans helped with that "old-school" cop appearance. Also wore my USMC tie clasp with my police uniform when I wore a tie. It was pretty cool.

Several of us had to contact a group of pretty hard-core bikers in town one day. It all went peacefully. One of them looked at my 1911, I had walnut grips on it then. He said "Well at least one of these guys carries a real gun." We hit it off pretty good with that comment of his. :grin: I actually thanked the bikers for maintaining their cool re an earlier incident and not responding violently - which I'd expected them to do. That same fellow explained to me "I've already got two strikes, and intend to spend the rest of my life riding free." Ya - I can understand that.

Hmm. Kind of off the subject of the Kimber. Sorry.

Guy my Springfield Armory 1911 built by Les Bare when he was working in their custom shop still has the original Nowlin barrel and bushing in it along with the barrel link. Numerous springs have been replaced along with a hammer and sear set. I have shoot the heck out this gun but mainly with soft target loads. When I got it it would shoot 1" groups with Federal factory ammo at 50yds.
and it will still shoot better than I can hold it but don't think I can't still cut the X with the first shot at 50yds because you will loose the bet,it's the 4th and 5th that end up in the 9 ring. :)>)
That's some mighty fine shooting TD. (y)

I am NOT in that league of accuracy.

Guy Miner":2zxwfhv5 said:
That's some mighty fine shooting TD. (y)

I am NOT in that league of accuracy.

Thanks for the complement Guy. Not sure if I can still keep 4&5 in the nine ring since I haven't shot competition and practiced for a few years due to injury's but the first one will find home. Bad shoulder, old age and cataracts is taking it's toll. Shooting one handed off hand takes a lot of discipline and arm strength. Practice would bring back the muscle memory and reflexes but the shoulder is a different animal.
Here is my Springfield custom shop 1911.
This is only 1 of 5 1911s I own and used for target shooting.
Yes it and the other four are tricked out for shooting holes in paper.
Some may say I cheat using electronic sights but it is harder to hold that little red dot on the center of a target then a lot would suspect it would be shooting off hand non supported.


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Guy you need one of these .22lr conversions on top of the Kimber.
They are tack drivers and a lot of fun to shoot plus you get to practice with the gun you carry using cheap ammo.
This one is on a DCM 1911 that was made in 1911 according to the serial number.
Some guys just change the slides out and shoot these for the rim fire stage and switch back to the regular slide for center fire and .45 stage in Bullseye competition since they are scary accurate.
But beware the conversions are not all created equal and some are right down junk.


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I do have a 22 1911, sold by Sig. Thought about a conversion, but for me, just having a different pistol has been very convenient. It's so close to my Kimber, except being lighter. Reasonably accurate. Love that it just slides right into the same holster!

Guy, if I remember right, 24 years ago you were packing a 1911 that was issued by your department. When did they go away from that for their issue? We still have the option to carry what we want and there are still a few single stacks getting toted around. Not sure if you remember Nordstrom or not, he was instructing at the range today carrying his old Springfield. It's a bit more convenient to carry a Glock at work today but there's still a place and a time for something made of steel!!

Love that old Kimber of yours.
85K rounds is quite a testimonial!

Lefty, I kept that dept issue Colt for about a year, then had a Springfield worked over by a good pistol smith and used it for a couple of years. Then... Kimber came out with their first 1911's from the Yonkers plant... I bought the first one I saw and carried it ever since.

When I retired a few years ago, the PD still authorized officers to choose from an authorized list of alternative firearms, including 1911's. The issue gun became the Glock by the late 1990's at my PD.
