2 dog day


Dec 20, 2008
so my buddy called and got me out of bed this morning and said he wanted to try something new at an old spot well it worked

He barely finished his first blow on the distress and I saw ears through the oaks so I waited as long as I could in case there was another but at 25yds I shot and dumped it of course then I see another take off. My buddy gave a half a$$ kiyi and then kept callin and low and behlold the other came back and I dumped him at 40 yds both with my new to me 204 and 45 gr softpoints.

I think I will keep the rifle

First stand 2 dogs now its time for a brandy

http://s566.photobucket.com/albums/ss10 ... s/2dogday/

Good job! Congratulations on the double.

Great job. Congratulations on a couple of good looking coyotes. Their pelts look pretty good in the picture.