2015 JC Steel Target Challenge at Rock Lake Rifle Range


Jun 19, 2011
This year's Match will be held at the Rock Lake Rifle Range south of Spokane WA April 24th-26th, 2015.
The Match is now part of the Precision Rifle Series events. Registration is open to 90 shooters on a first come first serve basis, registration begins on 01/28/2015 at 6 PM PST. Last year registration filled up very fast but they had some online C/C issues. This year hopefully now that's part of the PRS they won't have those same issues, I didn't, but others had said they did trying to run their credit card.
That's too bad, if you get in let me know if you'd like to car pool w/me?

Have a safe trip back to the Midwest for Christmas Jeff.
really wanted to sign up for this one but money and time are pretty tight right now with the move and new job. Next year though I will be there! Anxious to hear your thoughts on the match though. Be sure and post a full report!
Well the Match is this weekend and March 1st is going to be bitter cold with howling winds and a good chance of maybe some snow as well.... Oh the joy of shooting a Match in the worst weather possible freezing your ass off waiting to shoot.
The Match was exciting and a lot of fun.... I didn't score worth a dam the first day and on day two I did a lot better but those scores didn't count due to the match being shut down early. I learned a lot, match's don't make shooter positions easy to say the least! Of all the things you'd think I could shoot better was prone..... Nope, not in those positions! I did Ok, but I did make two of the three standing shots at stage 4 on Saturday at 337 yards, wasted a ton of time on kneeling for a big fat zero only to pick up one more point sitting before the timer went off! All unsupported, no equipment. Ya, I hauled around my tripod w/the PIG saddle for both days for nothing. At the end of day two I was just wearing my 40 pound Backpack just because I wasn't sure which stage I should move to so I could escape the crowds forming behind each stage. It seems some people have a hard time seeing objects when the snow flies...... odd to me because I was getting into my own element. The School house stage was a little much since I'd never see that again in a real life situation? Combat marksmanship I can deal with but some of this stuff I couldn't really relate to?

Oh well, I did get to shoot with GA Precision for the first day but got dropped off in the middle of know where Sunday morning by someone whom didn't know directions to the match course? Well she was a little baffled? The 3/4 mile hike helped me put some rubber down behind those that couldn't keep up, it seems some men can't hike with a lot of weight around them let alone with out it? I think I could excel in that department had that been the case?

Over all I really liked it and met a lot of really nice people. Camping was a little harsh the first night, I got like three hours sleep! It was like camping on K-2 at the top of the face! I hate windy places and always have, you couldn't pay me all the money in the world to live in a windy place! I thought my stove pipe was going to blow over? Come morning it was rather crocked, I did stay warm though. Even during the match I was totally fine all day with the weather conditions unlike some others that didn't plan for the bitter cold and wind. Me, I had my ski gear on so I was toasty during the movement and perfectly fine standing in the cold.

I can't wait for the next Match! Hopefully I'll do better? If not, oh well, I'll still press on.