22-250 ack imp


Nov 17, 2005
I might have a chance to get a savage 22-250 ack imp with a 25" douglass, 1 in 8" twist.

I'd love to shoot the 75g or 80g amax. I would think it would be pretty dang good out to 800 yards, and if there was no wind, it might even do decent at 1K. It would be a coyote rifle is all, maybe 75g scirocco for deer for the wife to shoot.

What kinda velocity would I be looking at with what powders??

Would the 55g plastic tip bullets still shoot ok in the 1 in 8" twist?? Would still like to have that cool splat factor on little rabbits and squirrels.

What kinda barrel life would one expect if you were to shoot the heavies and not let it get hot and good routine cleaning??

Anybody out there shooting a 22-250 ack imp w/75g or 80g amax's lets here it!

the 1:8 twist will be fine for the 55 gr BT. The 60 gr BT would be an awesome coyote bullet.
Barrel life, keep it cool and clean and I would think you should get 3k+.

Good luck!

Yep the Ackley improved is the one I would want.Either that or a custom built .22-250 with a tight chamber.
A 22 250 AI would be great I'v heard of guys using the standerd 22 250 for F class with the 80 and 90 gr Bergers. It would make a great long range coyote thumper
The 22-250AI is a cool cartridge. The folks at Shilen told me once, that you can't really over stabilize a bullet. However, a lesser bullet will come apart and turn to smoke out of this round. The rifle I had was a 1/12 twist and lesser bullets would not reach the hundred yard target. Better bullets will do fine, don't expect the lighter constructed bullets to perform. I agree with your opinion, that twist should work well for longer ranges and heavier bullets. It would be a lot of fun to shoot! I'll try and find the loads I used and post later...Good Luck, and let us know how it works out.
Cartridge : .22-250 Ackley Imp.
Bullet : .224, 80, Hornady A-MAX 22832
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 2.430 inch or 61.72 mm
Barrel Length : 25.0 inch or 635.0 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.

Matching Maximum Pressure: 63000 psi, or 434 MPa

or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 105 %

These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.

Powder type Filling/Loading Ratio Charge Charge Vel. Prop.Burnt P max P muzz B_Time
% Grains Gramm fps % psi psi ms
--------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Norma MRP 105.0 41.0 2.66 3330 98.9 58153 11805 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4350 100.9 37.5 2.43 3324 99.9 63000 10752 1.097 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365 103.2 38.4 2.49 3320 100.0 63000 10139 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter 101.1 39.1 2.53 3320 99.7 63000 10886 1.105 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2209 105.0 39.0 2.53 3319 98.2 63000 11075 1.092 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760 95.5 37.8 2.45 3317 99.4 63000 10911 1.107 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17 93.2 36.6 2.37 3316 100.0 63000 10305 1.093 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4350 103.4 37.0 2.40 3308 99.6 63000 10704 1.102 ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP 100.7 37.3 2.41 3302 100.0 63000 10463 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP19 ~approximation 100.7 37.3 2.42 3301 100.0 63000 10460 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550 97.8 37.4 2.42 3301 100.0 63000 10593 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19 105.0 39.3 2.55 3298 98.1 61699 11099 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350 104.5 37.4 2.42 3297 100.0 63000 10432 1.127 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414 93.1 37.1 2.40 3292 99.3 63000 10749 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4 103.4 38.7 2.51 3290 98.1 63000 10848 1.101 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 ~approximation 103.4 38.7 2.51 3290 98.1 63000 10848 1.101 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204 100.1 38.7 2.51 3290 98.1 63000 10848 1.101 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC 105.0 40.3 2.61 3288 96.3 58384 11490 1.126 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot BigGame 94.0 36.3 2.35 3280 100.0 63000 10088 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 11 94.1 36.4 2.36 3279 100.0 63000 10073 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4895 92.9 33.6 2.18 3269 100.0 63000 9534 1.094 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP14 ~approximation 105.0 39.3 2.55 3267 97.9 60244 10953 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP11 ~approximation 91.7 34.3 2.22 3263 100.0 63000 9981 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA11 91.7 34.3 2.22 3263 100.0 63000 9981 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-15 91.7 34.3 2.22 3263 100.0 63000 9981 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831 105.0 37.6 2.44 3262 100.0 61707 10205 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780 103.9 41.0 2.65 3259 98.1 63000 10535 1.105 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203B 92.1 34.4 2.23 3258 100.0 63000 9897 1.117 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H380 92.9 35.5 2.30 3254 100.0 63000 10111 1.120 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904 104.1 38.4 2.49 3254 97.2 63000 10540 1.104 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0701 100.2 37.1 2.40 3253 99.4 63000 10356 1.121 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560 105.0 40.1 2.60 3253 95.2 55158 11702 1.161 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S385 105.0 39.7 2.57 3251 98.8 61257 10620 1.133 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon BL-C2 86.6 35.3 2.29 3247 100.0 63000 9743 1.121 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 516 89.7 35.7 2.32 3245 100.0 63000 9993 1.112 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 203 old 93.3 35.3 2.29 3245 100.0 63000 9730 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4320 93.6 34.5 2.23 3243 100.0 63000 9620 1.103 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2213 105.0 39.7 2.57 3242 95.8 56781 11275 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903 95.5 35.3 2.29 3239 100.0 63000 9650 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 748 84.2 33.9 2.20 3239 100.0 63000 9426 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S355 95.6 35.0 2.27 3235 100.0 63000 9665 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 9 89.5 34.6 2.24 3233 100.0 63000 9652 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0651 99.0 36.2 2.35 3230 99.8 63000 9995 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R907 97.8 35.9 2.33 3230 98.9 63000 10171 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4007 SSC 94.7 35.9 2.33 3229 98.9 63000 10163 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA15 105.0 39.7 2.57 3228 97.1 54553 11356 1.172 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22 105.0 39.7 2.57 3228 97.1 54553 11356 1.172 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation 105.0 39.7 2.57 3228 97.1 54553 11356 1.172 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC 105.0 39.7 2.57 3226 95.7 59599 10737 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2208 94.2 34.2 2.22 3224 100.0 63000 9637 1.107 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon VARGET 94.5 34.2 2.22 3224 100.0 63000 9637 1.107 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO 105.0 41.8 2.71 3222 93.3 54238 11630 1.176
PB Clermont PCL 507 86.2 33.7 2.18 3218 100.0 63000 9389 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot TAC 83.9 33.6 2.18 3217 100.0 63000 9370 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4064 95.0 33.6 2.18 3216 100.0 63000 9457 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S341 87.8 35.3 2.29 3214 100.0 63000 9399 1.115 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S321 84.6 34.0 2.21 3213 100.0 63000 9398 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N530 85.6 32.2 2.09 3212 100.0 63000 9299 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 3031 91.1 31.8 2.06 3211 100.0 63000 8983 1.122 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0621 92.7 33.7 2.19 3208 100.0 63000 9303 1.125 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2520 88.5 34.1 2.21 3207 100.0 63000 9154 1.134 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4895 94.2 34.1 2.21 3205 100.0 63000 9115 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V 105.0 36.7 2.38 3203 100.0 59176 9562 1.141 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 201 86.2 32.9 2.13 3200 100.0 63000 9270 1.127 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4064 97.3 34.0 2.20 3199 100.0 63000 9138 1.151 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R902 91.7 33.1 2.14 3190 100.0 63000 9155 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan Sp 7 82.3 33.0 2.14 3189 100.0 63000 9051 1.133 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H335 80.6 32.9 2.13 3188 100.0 63000 8989 1.118 ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 10 80.3 32.1 2.08 3187 100.0 63000 8962 1.118 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N150 100.7 35.5 2.30 3186 100.0 63000 9085 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 508 80.2 32.1 2.08 3186 100.0 63000 8950 1.119 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 202 89.3 32.8 2.13 3185 100.0 63000 8968 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N540 91.5 34.6 2.24 3185 100.0 63000 9103 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N140 97.1 34.9 2.26 3182 100.0 63000 9038 1.118 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2460 83.3 33.4 2.17 3178 100.0 63000 8954 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H322 85.4 31.0 2.01 3177 100.0 63000 8749 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2219 80.3 31.0 2.01 3177 100.0 63000 8749 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0601 89.6 32.6 2.11 3175 100.0 63000 9058 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2700 95.7 37.0 2.40 3173 98.8 63000 9575 1.121 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2495 90.5 32.0 2.07 3171 100.0 63000 8814 1.156 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot X-Terminator 78.7 31.5 2.04 3170 100.0 63000 8769 1.120 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2230 82.0 32.9 2.13 3169 100.0 63000 8837 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2210 81.7 31.6 2.05 3167 100.0 63000 8844 1.114 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-D0731 82.0 32.7 2.12 3166 100.0 63000 8866 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R901 88.0 31.3 2.03 3166 100.0 63000 8835 1.135 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2206 89.1 33.0 2.14 3162 100.0 63000 8910 1.110 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-D0733 81.8 32.6 2.11 3161 100.0 63000 8786 1.120 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Benchmark 87.0 32.0 2.08 3159 100.0 63000 8792 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
ADI BM2 80.0 31.9 2.07 3158 100.0 63000 8774 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2206H 88.3 33.0 2.14 3157 100.0 63000 8880 1.109 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-D0832 84.0 33.1 2.15 3155 100.0 63000 8476 1.127 ! Near Maximum !
Nitrochemie A/S 0300 77.5 29.7 1.93 3151 100.0 63000 8463 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2200 79.5 30.2 1.96 3151 100.0 63000 8600 1.111 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R905 105.0 39.0 2.53 3146 94.5 52621 10823 1.193
Vihtavuori N135 97.0 32.9 2.13 3143 100.0 63000 8423 1.133 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-12 85.4 32.6 2.11 3142 100.0 63000 8529 1.120 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum (Big Boy) 105.0 42.1 2.72 3142 94.6 50227 11283 1.207
Winchester WXR 105.0 38.8 2.52 3134 95.8 49798 11079 1.222
SNPE Vectan SP 12 105.0 41.9 2.72 3132 94.6 49772 11237 1.213
PB Clermont PCL 517 105.0 41.9 2.72 3126 94.4 49493 11228 1.216
Alliant Reloder-10x 83.2 29.4 1.90 3119 100.0 63000 8270 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S335 89.6 32.8 2.12 3111 100.0 63000 8318 1.132 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 2015 84.5 30.6 1.98 3108 100.0 63000 8172 1.137 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 1680 70.9 28.5 1.85 3102 100.0 63000 8090 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4198 81.0 28.5 1.84 3102 100.0 63000 8024 1.106 ! Near Maximum !
SF-033 fl 79.5 30.4 1.97 3095 100.0 63000 8028 1.145 ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP1/NP ~approximation 75.3 29.1 1.89 3091 100.0 63000 8057 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
Norma 200 75.3 29.1 1.89 3091 100.0 63000 8057 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 105.0 38.2 2.47 3090 93.8 51908 10322 1.197
Vihtavuori N133 91.3 31.2 2.02 3087 100.0 63000 7941 1.124 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 105.0 38.2 2.47 3086 93.4 48014 10866 1.231
Accurate 5744 72.3 25.3 1.64 3084 100.0 63000 8015 1.109 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4198 83.2 27.9 1.81 3076 100.0 63000 7775 1.113 ! Near Maximum !
ADI AP 2214 105.0 40.8 2.64 3075 93.6 49342 10701 1.217
Vihtavuori N130 86.2 30.1 1.95 3070 100.0 63000 7858 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder- 7 78.7 28.5 1.84 3067 100.0 63000 7828 1.129 ! Near Maximum !
Kazan Sunar 308W 82.3 30.1 1.95 3067 100.0 63000 7842 1.128 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25 105.0 39.1 2.53 3065 98.1 44839 10953 1.273
Vihtavuori N165 105.0 38.8 2.52 3063 96.7 51177 9942 1.216
Vihtavuori N160 105.0 37.7 2.44 3051 94.8 52225 9813 1.204
ADI AR 2207 78.8 27.5 1.78 3048 100.0 63000 7688 1.134 ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 296 62.2 25.0 1.62 3046 100.0 63000 7695 1.132 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4227 76.0 26.0 1.68 3014 100.0 63000 7344 1.120 ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4227 75.8 26.0 1.68 3013 100.0 63000 7330 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Nitrochemie A/S 0200 68.8 25.7 1.67 2999 100.0 63000 7266 1.130 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N120 81.1 27.7 1.79 2992 100.0 63000 7209 1.139 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-D0631 63.0 24.6 1.59 2973 100.0 63000 7068 1.116 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H110 64.0 25.7 1.66 2969 100.0 63000 7197 1.141 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0531 76.7 25.7 1.67 2961 100.0 63000 7028 1.134 ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP 2 105.0 39.3 2.55 2950 91.4 40394 10800 1.345
Accurate 3100 105.0 37.1 2.41 2947 97.2 44511 9783 1.325
Somchem S265 75.1 25.8 1.67 2925 100.0 63000 6799 1.151 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Lil'Gun 62.4 24.2 1.57 2912 100.0 63000 6830 1.157 ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N570 105.0 41.4 2.68 2907 83.0 39232 11022 1.362
ADI AR 2205 73.1 26.0 1.68 2904 100.0 63000 6728 1.131 ! Near Maximum !
Alliant 2400 61.6 21.9 1.42 2896 100.0 63000 6623 1.134 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4100 62.6 24.2 1.57 2892 100.0 63000 6555 1.140 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H1000 105.0 38.8 2.52 2887 90.1 41194 10018 1.325
Vihtavuori N110 72.6 23.0 1.49 2873 100.0 63000 6483 1.148 ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R910 65.6 22.7 1.47 2870 100.0 63000 6446 1.151 ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 512 64.3 23.0 1.49 2866 100.0 63000 6455 1.146 ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Enforcer 60.1 23.0 1.49 2865 100.0 63000 6454 1.146 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-S0401 67.1 22.4 1.45 2865 100.0 63000 6411 1.133 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate No.9 55.4 22.2 1.44 2832 100.0 63000 6249 1.141 ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Retumbo 105.0 39.5 2.56 2815 91.5 35850 10484 1.415
Alliant BLUE DOT 67.8 20.6 1.34 2809 100.0 63000 6201 1.143 ! Near Maximum !
Accurate No.7 50.8 20.5 1.33 2782 100.0 63000 5986 1.148 ! Near Maximum !
Lovex-D1001 105.0 42.3 2.74 2771 78.3 40820 9014 1.353
NIce, 3325fps with 80g amax is pretty impressive.

I've got mixed opinions on barrel life so far. Some say as low as 600, some as high as 3000. I would be happy with 1500-2000, I really dont know, but a couple guys that have them and bore scopes say they'd be surprised if it went 600-700. That is not very good and if thats the case, I think I"ll probly pass. I dont feel like a rebarrel every year. Really couldn't afford it.

What I dont get is this. I dont see how a regular 22-250 shooting 50-55's at 3600-3800 will still do 1/2" with 2000 rounds down them, while the 22-250 AI shooting the 75g at 3350 or so will cut back on barrel life as much as half?? Hows that work?? I've always thought the slower the pill, the more barrel life, the faster the pill less barrel life, or maybe I should say throat life. I cant see how the twist would make up that much difference in loss of life when your pushing a bigger/slower bullet. I realize there is a couple maybe few more grains being sent down that 224 hole, but I still dont see how it would be that drastic. Anybody know for sure??

I'll think about it a bit and see what happens.
Keep her clean and clean and she will last a long time!

The new 22 caliber 35 grain Ballistic Tip Lead-Free would be a screamer out of the 22-250 AI. :twisted:

Well bud I'm thinking about my next 22-250 being an improved one. It would be a great rifle for yote hunting. Have one guy with an Ar for the ones that get called in close, and have the 22-250 AI as the long ranger for the ones that don't come in or the ones that get away from the close range guy. I'm really liking the idea of a 75-80 gr. bullet smoking a yote at six hundred yards or so.

I've been told I clean my guns to much anyways so If I keep her clean I think barrel life could be at least 1500 rounds. I don't think a 22-250 AI is as extreame as your 300 RUM, or a 6-06 would be as far as barrel life goes.

If you get it and don't think it is going to work out you can always sell it and get something else. Just my thoughts.
Well I decided to pass on it.

I really dont need it with my 22-250 and 25-06 that I have already.

Would still be nice to have one day though...
JD338":19zoff7j said:

The new 22 caliber 35 grain Ballistic Tip Lead-Free would be a screamer out of the 22-250 AI. :twisted:


how far would the bullet travel before it vaporized!!