Here are the results out of my son's 243 from yesterday, WW brass, 105 AMax, CCIBR2's and RL22. Overall, I was very pleased with the loads. It was getting a little late in the evening at the range and for the life of me, I kept throwing my 3rd shot, luckily, I had loaded 4 per increment. This rifle only sports an 18 or 20" barrel, so I wasn't expecting blistering speeds, but I am happy with what I did get.
46 grains (2921, 2921, 2933, 2918)
46.5 (2921, 2938, 2927,2959)
47 (2987, 3006, 3005, 3011)
I am working with a 4X Leupold on the rifle, so I am not sure I am really shooting what the rifle is capable of, but I do see alot of promise with this load. I will tweak the seating depth a little on them and see what comes out of that.
Anyhow, I know some others were working with the AMax, so I figured I would post up my results. I would imagine RL22 would be solidly into the 3000's with a 22 or even 24" barrel, but I would be very happy using this rifle for smacking steel. It is a nice, light recoiling rig to give the shoulder a little break between the boomers and the velocity and BC emulate the larger bullets being pushed out of the 7mm and 300 magnums.
46 grains (2921, 2921, 2933, 2918)
46.5 (2921, 2938, 2927,2959)
47 (2987, 3006, 3005, 3011)
I am working with a 4X Leupold on the rifle, so I am not sure I am really shooting what the rifle is capable of, but I do see alot of promise with this load. I will tweak the seating depth a little on them and see what comes out of that.
Anyhow, I know some others were working with the AMax, so I figured I would post up my results. I would imagine RL22 would be solidly into the 3000's with a 22 or even 24" barrel, but I would be very happy using this rifle for smacking steel. It is a nice, light recoiling rig to give the shoulder a little break between the boomers and the velocity and BC emulate the larger bullets being pushed out of the 7mm and 300 magnums.