.25-06 Remington performance 22" Barrel vs 24" Barrel

I have had excellent results with Ballistic Tips in several cartridges over the years, including some speciality pistols. In fact just yesterday a friend of mine returned from a West River Deer Hunt. We have had several conversations about bullet performance. He shoots a .243, .25-06 and now a 7mm Rem Mag. He has always complained about having to track deer. Well I finally convinced him to switch to Nosler Ballistic Tips. He not only tried them in one of his rifles but switched all of his rifles to Nosler Ballistic Tips. He stopped me on the street yesterday to thank me for convincing him to try Nosler Ballistic Tips. He said he had never seen so many deer drop in their tracks in all of his years of hunting (and he is older than I am).

Without a doubt. That BT in a heavier weight for caliber is just an awesome performer on deer and even larger animals when used with appropriate weights. I can't see where it isn't just as great as the Rem Core Lokt's, Speer Hot Cor's, and others of the same price point, and man, they are usually really accurate.
With the 22" barrel you will be between a 257 Roberts AI and a 25-06 with a 24" barrel which won't be maybe 60 fps either way. Deer will not know the difference. I have used the 25-06 for years. My current rifle has a Shilen #6 that is 26" long. Give either one of the 4350 or 4831 powders a try and you will find accuracy with the 115 BT. Sight in 3" high at 100 yards and hold center of front shoulder out to 350 yards and 99% of the time it will be BANG FLOP. I have killed deer with about everything from a stick to the 45-70 and the 25-06 is the killingest round I have ever fired.