25/06 Seating Depth Question


May 26, 2012
Trying to work up a Nosler Partition and Hornady SP bullet for my 25/06.

The recommended seating depth for the Hornady bullet is 3.120". I have no recommended seating depth for the Nosler Partition and it is longer by 0.029" Should I therefore make the Nosler loads 3.149" long?

I'm just looking for a place to start and will play with the seating depth more once I figure out the most accurate powder charge. I'm leery of seating the bullet too deep and have had a hard time with pressure issues in this rifle so I'm being cautious. I prefer to have a starting length, which the Hornady Manual gives you, and I've found that if I stick to the Hornady length with their bullets it works great. My rifle prefers shorter bullets and it has a "Tight throat and long chamber." according to my Gunsmith.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Function from the mag box, not be jammed into the lands with enough bullet in the caseto not move when being cycled.Rick.
Thank you Nosler V for the help with this question over the phone.

I'm going to keep trying to make a Nosler Bullet work in this rifle even if it kills me. :)
My 100 BTs and 115 BTs are seated to 3.190"
Thank you Fotis.
I went a little deeper, 3.120" given the characteristics of my rifle and the preferences it has displayed so far.
Matters not as long as she likes it that way. Some like it kissing the lands and some like a jump.