257 Roberts 75gr Varmint Load


May 22, 2012
I cannot find any data for a 75 gr. load. I want to use Reloader 19 w/a V Max. I'm thinking around 47gr as a max. and starting at 43 and go up from there. I would appreciate thoughts from anyone here who may have used this bullet in the Roberts.
...RL-19 is pretty slow for that use...

...Sierra 75gr. HP IMR-4064 38.9-44.1grs., nothing else comes close...

...Hornady IMR-4350 40.9-49.1 (all @ 3500fps), IMR-4064, 35.3-43.3grs (3400fps)
I agree w/you RL 19 is slow for this, but I want to shoot a few over the screen to see how it dose. I do have some Varget which I will try as well.
Check the Hodgdon site. There are severl load/powder combinations using the Hornady 75gr VMax....

Cartridge: 257 Roberts
Load Type: Rifle
Starting Loads
Maximum Loads

Bullet Weight (Gr.) Manufacturer Powder Bullet Diam. C.O.L. Grs. Vel. (ft/s) Pressure Grs. Vel. (ft/s) Pressure
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon Hybrid 100V .257" 2.795" 45.0 3145 36,500 CUP 49.0C 3380 42,900 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 4831 .257" 2.795" 46.5 3017 34,100 CUP 51.5C 3403 43,500 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon H4350 .257" 2.795" 47.0 3129 35,200 CUP 50.0 3422 44,000 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon H414 .257" 2.795" 48.0 3343 37,200 CUP 52.0 3555 45,300 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 4350 .257" 2.795" 47.8 3254 41,700 CUP 52.0C 3496 46,600 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Winchester 760 .257" 2.795" 48.0 3343 37,200 CUP 52.0 3555 45,300 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 4007 SSC .257" 2.795" 45.6 3215 41,200 CUP 48.5 3512 47,200 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon H380 .257" 2.795" 44.0 3258 37,800 CUP 48.0 3563 45,600 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon CFE 223 .257" 2.795" 38.0 3160 38,500 CUP 42.0 3369 44,800 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon Varget .257" 2.795" 37.0 3155 34,700 CUP 41.0 3453 43,700 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 4064 .257" 2.795" 41.7 3320 39,700 CUP 44.3 3517 46,400 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon BL-C(2) .257" 2.795" 42.0 3094 31,800 CUP 46.0 3531 46,700 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 4895 .257" 2.795" 40.9 3288 39,700 CUP 43.5 3496 46,500 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon H335 .257" 2.795" 42.0 3161 31,200 CUP 46.0 3548 45,000 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon H4895 .257" 2.795" 40.5 3201 34,800 CUP 44.0 3561 47,300 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP IMR IMR 8208 XBR .257" 2.795" 40.5 3390 39,300 CUP 43.0 3456 44,900 CUP
75 GR. HDY HP Hodgdon Benchmark .257" 2.795" 39.0 3226 39,200 CUP 41.7 3434 45,000 CUP
(Click on any icon below to return to that product)

Hope this helps.