Quick load w/ CFE 223... for the 250 savage.


Sep 10, 2006
So... I found a pound of Hogdon CFE 223. Load data is avaialable for Speer hot cores in 100gr and 87gr varieties. Hornady also lists loads for the 75gr V-max's both of wich I have available. Loads look pretty speedy. What I dont have is anything for 100gr BT's any body able to run a quick load for me with the following parameters:
250-3000 Savage
RP case
CCI 200 Primer
100Gr Niosler BT

Also any insights/ thoughts on CFE 223 in general? All the Data I can find w/ Hornady and Speer bullets shows potential for lots of velocity. Thanks for the help!

BTW - I also found a box of 100gr Noslers too, and a Ruger RSI International in 250 Savage. No I didnt bring it home. Cabelas wanted over $2200 for that! CL

use the data for the Speer 100gr. Start low, work up. As for CFE223 I like it and does well in my 223 Rem. Have tried it in a 308Win did ok. It's a good powder for where it can be used. Dan.
Midway had Hornady 250 Savage brass in stock last week if you need any brass. Was definitely cheaper than the auction site. Got a bag myself.
I've had good luck with CFE223 in the 300 Blackout and 308 Win with 220 gr bullets.

use the data for the Speer 100gr. Start low, work up. As for CFE223 I like it and does well in my 223 Rem. Have tried it in a 308Win did ok. It's a good powder for where it can be used. Dan.
Same thought here, use the 100 grain Speer data. Bullets are of the same build and 250 Savage is mild enough I wouldn’t worry a bit.
I use CFE223 in my 22-250 with heavier bullets and in my 223 with 55g, works well.
Thanks all. That CFE is wierd stuff, at least not at all like 4350 and 4064. Stuff looks like pixie dust and as slippery as quick silver. Not having a powder measure, the old spoon and scale make measuring a challenge. Not a problem per se, but takes a little different technique. CL
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