264 Win mag and 130 AB.


Dec 5, 2008
I took two 6 point whitetail bucks this week with my new 264 Win mag and the 130 AccuBond bullets. Both were bang flop.
The load is 66.5 grs Retumbo , cci 250, case is WW reformed from 7mm Rem mag and the 130 AB is ten thousands off the lands. From my 27 3/4" Shilen barrel it averages 3350 fps.

The first buck was taken at 275 yards out in a soy bean field. The deer was quartering toward me and I placed the bullet in the center of his of his front shoulder and it exited through the back of the off side rib-cage. The deer was on the ground before the rifle came down from recoil.

The second was taken at 135 yards down a log path. Shot was broad side through the front shoulders. Bang flop.

I was very pleased with the bullet performance. It really did a number on the vitals and it exited.

Congratulations on your success.
Post some pictures.

That sounds like a pretty deadly deer combo. Plus, at 3300FPS it must shoot about like a lazer. Scotty
Congratulations on your deer. The 264 Win Mag is a great cartridge.

This is the second deer I took at 135 yards with the 264 mag. YOu can see the exit hole in the front shoulder.

I took these deer in East NC. A heads up for anybody on the east side of the US. The acorn crop is huge and the deer are not having to move much to feed. They are not even coming out to the crop fields much so you have to get in the woods among the oaks. I am going back to East NC the 5th to hunt two weeks. The rut should be in full swing then and they should be moving. These are the only two deer I saw in the day light during six days hunting. It is too thick in the cut-overs around where I hunt to try to get in to the oaks.[/img]

Nice bucks, congratulations.
Dealing with the same issues here as well. Waiting for the rut.....

A big congrats from another .264 lover. I am carrying the 700BDL topped with a unertl 10x stuffed with accubonds this year. great bullet. reflex264
Accubonds+Good Rifle+Good Shooter=venison in the freezer + trophy on the wall.

Nice bucks, good shootin.
Congratulations! You appear to have a winning combination. Good looking bucks!!