I am about to start loading for my new 270 wsm, I plan on using 140gr accubonds. Probably start with reloader 22 or 19. Anybody have any tips or advice for this caliber? Thanks.
Welcome to the forum; it's good to have another British Columbian on board. Enjoy your 270 WSM; the WSMs are not difficult to load. They tend to shoot quite accurately. What platform are you shooting? Consequently, RL19 and 140 ABs make some exceptionally accurate ammunition.
Thanks Drmike. The gun is a mod 70 weatherweight. I was leaning more towards RL-19, since I have more of that laying around. Im pretty excited to get started. Just have to wait for my shell holder to arrive.
I've only owned Featherweights for my WSMs (one made in Connecticut and one made in South Carolina), and they have all shot very well indeed. On the recommendation of the Nosler Guide, I would be willing to try A3100; but since that particular powder is not imported into Canada (permits were never submitted), Canadians are compelled to try other powders. Fortunately, as I have already stated, the 270 WSM is not particularly fussy; and thus, RL19 gives me very good results. The last 270 WSM I loaded for others gave me 0.1 inch groups with 140 ABs and RL19. I don't want to mess with success. Actually, in my own 270 WSM, I had such good success with 130 grain E-Tips and RL17 that I really haven't looked much farther. There was more than enough penetration and power to put down moose and elk with this load. In my rifles, I have tried a variety of other powders, and I note that H100V, H1000 and IMR4350 all worked very well with various 140 grain bullets, especially 140 grain PTs. I do note that though I've worked up loads in my own rifles with 130 grain ABs, I have never worked up 140 grain ABs in my rifle. I'll have to look at this during the coming months.
I'm curious on two fronts about your comments on the 130gr E-Tips, Dr. Mike. As you may remember, I own a 270Wby, and shoot these 130gr E-Tips from it. I've had good performance on the one white-tail buck I shot, so I'm pretty happy and will continue using them. But I had planned to have to work up a 150gr load for bigger game when I get the chance to go west. If you're saying I can stick with the E-Tips, and still take all reasonable shoulder/boiler room shots (no Texas Heart Shots), I may do just that and not have to bother with additional workups. Of course, if Nosler is listening, a 150gr E-Tip in .277cal would be great!
My second interest is that I just recently picked up a Browning A-Bolt Micro Hunter in a left-hand configuration for my son. I'm going to work up some 110gr Accubonds initially, over H4895, as a "youth load" according to Hodgdon's published (and, importantly, tested) data. In the short term, that will work, but I anticipate moving up to 130gr bullets at start charge velocities within a year or two. Additionally, as his gun has a 22" barrel (the Micro configuration) I'd be interested in 130gr E-Tips for larger stuff in this gun, as well. Plus, needing only one bullet for the two of them (eventually) should make for a tidy bench, and perhaps some bulk buying opportunities when the time comes to resupply.
If you don't mind, let me know your thoughts, both on the E-Tips for larger game, and on the WSM at varying power levels for a young hunter.
As I stated, I used my 270 WSM for moose (http://www.noslerreloading.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11566). I was impressed with how smartly the round worked. Granted, this was not a long shot (about sixty yards), but it did stress the bullet quite a bit. I did not recover the bullet. The first shot was a frontal shot, entering the chest slightly left of centre and continuing through the lung and burying itself in the rumen. The beast turned to run to my left and I hit it again with a shot that completely penetrated the chest and exited on the off side. I was quite impressed by the performance. The damage to the heart/lungs was extensive. I have used this same load on two mule deer. Though I was unable to recover a bullet from either of these animals; they were quickly dispatched with shots that penetrated through and through. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the bullet in your Bee. I can't imagine that the two inch differential in the Micro Hunter will make a significant difference in the use of the 130 grain E-Tip. You will lose perhaps as much as 70 fps, but in the field, that is insignificant until you are well past 450 yards.
Your experience with the E-Tips mirrors mine, Dr. Mike. I took a quartering shot 175yds through the woods on a white-tail this season - through the left shoulder, breaking the joint/leg, and exiting in front of the right shoulder with an exit just over 2x original diameter. The buck dropped in his tracks, and I thought he was done when he stopped thrashing. Unfortunately, when I approached him about 40min later, he scrambled halfway up, and tumbled down into a creekbottom and back up the other side. A 25yd finishing shot facing straight on after I tracked to him was all it took, and that one entered high in the chest and followed the spine down, exiting about 2" from the base of the tail, at the top of the right ham, again with an exit wound about 2x original diameter. Impact velocities were around 3000fps for the initial 175yd shot and about 3350fps for the finishing shot, and penetration ranged from 10" or so on the first shot to about 3.5-4' on the second shot, and through very different tissue types, yet the bullet performed the same both times. I'm anxious to see what it does at 300+ yards, but that will have to wait until next season now. With your results on moose and muleys, and my results on white-tails, I'm thinking I may not have to find a new load if I go out west.
Oh, and for my son's rifle, when we get it turned up, I suspect it will give 3150-3250fps from the E-Tips, just based on what I know so far about these bullets. Even at 3000fps, I think he'll be well served by them, although I still want a longer range, lower velocity example to see what they will do as they slow down. For the next few years he'll be limited on distances by Dad, not the rifle/cartridge, so it's of little worry for the time being.
Thanks a lot for your input. I enjoyed your insight and story. And I have to ask, secret vegetarian? Really? Interesting.
I was late in dropping game in '09. Gil constantly said that I was secretly a vegetarian. Smart Alec kids. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a "meatatarian."
I shoot 140gr accubonds in my 270WSM and like them very much. I use 62.5gr of H4831 in mine and groups average 1/2" at 3033fps. I thought I might get a little more speed, but my A-bolt has a 23" barrel so that probably accounts for the velocity. I'm not changing my load because the first shot hits the same place very consistently. If the barrel is clean or dirty, weather is hot or cold, the first one goes in the same place. Nice in a hunting rifle. I tried H4350 and then H4831 and quit experimenting there. I was never a huge 270 fan until the 140gr AccuBond came out. I always thought it was wrong that most 270 bullets had so much lower BC's than 6.5 or 7mm bullets in the same weights.
The 140gr AccuBond has performed well for me, I shot 2 muleys with it last fall. Another hunter further up the mountain broke the leg of a buck about 6" above the hoof and I finished it for him before it dropped into a canyon. I ranged it at 403yds from where I laid down and shot it, and he was way above me so he must have been shooting 600 plus. He was sure thankful I dropped it. Anyway, my bullet broke the spine right in front of the hips and ended up under the hide on the off-side shoulder. I was real impressed with the penetration and mushroom. My buck I shot twice once at 313yds and once at 375yds, both shots exited. The first one did the job but he took off running so I kept shooting. Didn't want him ending up in a canyon either. If I don't get another one bought in 300WSM I will try it on elk next time I draw.
RL22, MAGPRO and IMR7828 have been excellent with 130 and 150gr bullets, with RL22 being the best. I haven't really did alot with RL19 but I would guess it would be about the same.
I would guess you would be in the 3200FPS range with a good 140gr AB load. Winchesters CT 140gr load runs about 3200+. Good luck with your 270WSM. It is one of the greatest! Love mine, accurate and very dependable.
Dubyam, I would think your 130gr ET would be excellent in the WBY. I can't think of much I would not hunt with it. That big WBY pushes it fast and opens it up well. Show us some groups from that load! I know it a good one for ya! Scotty
i to load for the 270wsm,, so far RL-19 is the ticket for my win m-70,,,
im interested to see how those accubonds shoot for you cause i have a box sitting on the bench that i havent got around to using yet , they be in the 140gr aswell ,, im also wanting to give some RL-17 a try :wink:
I load for a 270 WSM in a ruger and found that H4831 short cut performs the best for me. 7828 grouped well but was only getting 2900 fps with the 130 AB, H4350 performed well also. I havent found RL 17, 19, or 22 to shoot good at all, best I could get was 3-4" groups with it, on the crony RL 19 was awesome with an extreme spread of only 3 fps with 9 shots but got 4-5" groups, velocity was 3340. My rifle is a bit finicky but with H4831sc it shoots awesome. All loads were with 130 AB's.
I'll post some pics when I get to the range, actually Im having a hard time finding 140 accubonds, now that I want them. Never fails. I have all the most popular powders that everyone is using. Just another question, how are you guys finding that the AccuBond performs best, closer to the rifling, say .010" or with more of a jump, say .050"? I picked up a box of 140gr ballistic tips to use for break in, and will most likely try them before the acc's, but use the acc's for hunting.
Because of the magazine in my ruger I have to load around .095 off the lands but get on average 1/4"-3/4" groups out of my gun. My 308 180 accubonds are loaded about .050 off the lands I believe and acuracy is great, these AB's seem to like a little jump, it hasnt hurt me at all.
I've loaded close to the lands, and I've loaded away from the lands. I've found that there is always a node where ABs work well on every rifle if I take the time to find it.
I have a Rem. and a Savage and the only load they will shoot well with 140 AB's is 64 gr. of RL22
this gives 3100 fps The 140 AB is my bullet of choice and so far anything I've shot with them (chucks, coyotes, blacktails, and mulies) has been a pass through and DRT
Went out today and broke in the new rifle with 140gr ballistic tips. Its shooting .5 inch groups already with RL-19, I think its gonna be a good shooter!