280 Rem Nosler Brass


Oct 7, 2015
Can nosler representative tell me why 280 rem brass so hard to come by in any brand? I could understand 308 or 30 06 or 270 flying off the shelves but 280?? Does Nosler have no production scheduled for this brass? Love Nosler products but may have to settle for Brand X (hornady)
I have thought about the same thing. I can also see why the brass presses would be churning out thousands of the most popular cases without a break in production. We know the 280 Rem and 280 Ackley aren't in the top overall sales (but they should be). Nosler might only make them for X number of months at a time so retooling isn't so frequent.
I have found Nosler Brass in 280AI but at over $2.00 per piece it is a might steep :(.

Availability is one reason I went with the 7MM Remington Mag. I was looking for both 280 brass and a rifle to shoot it in both were priced out of my pocket book.
That is probably why I have always just used Remington brass in my 280. It's usually available and affordable. I have recently seen Nosler brass on the shelf at Cabela's, but did not purchase it as it was so expensive. I also believe I could get 280 brass from my gun club 1x fired at a reasonable price.

In a pinch during the last component supply shortage, I have used 30-06 cases and they worked just fine but the case OAL was slightly shorter than normal 280 brass. Probably would have worked better to use 270 brass, as I believe it is slightly longer, but 30-06 was what I had. They worked the one season I was forced to go that route and hunt with those instead. It was a simple one pass through the sizing die process. It was nice to know that was available to me if I couldn't find 280 brass.
Thru the years, I have seen once-fired .280 brass at guns shows and even yard sales. Many times though, that brass, even when full-length resized, fits very tightly or not at all, in a different rifle.
I usually hit my LGS about once every couple of weeks to see what's available. Over a period of several months there has been three boxes of Nosler .280 Rem. Brass. Now I'm fat with plenty of Remington and Winchester brass so paid little attention to the Nosler brass. A couple of weeks ago I went and yup, they were still there. Went to the bullet section looking for a specific bullet as as usual none there so said to hell with it. I'll take those three boxes of .280's, use one for all the down and dirty work up and use the lat two boxes for the final loads. Go back to the brass section and lo and behold, now there are only two boxes. Grrrr! Well I bought those two anyway. I should've grabbed all three when I had the chance. :( There were a few boxes of .280 AI there. Yup, that stuff is quite pricey all right.
I'll do the basic work up with the Winchester brass, then drop back a hair and work back up with the "good stuff". :wink:
Paul B.