I have a few friends that use model 94 30-30's. I will try to steer them to the PT. I know federal offers them in ammo. If I could get one of them to start loading for their 30-30 with minimum cost in equipement it just mite turn on their light bulb. Neither shoots much because of the cost but they see reloading as too costly.
While I shoot all the time because I have thur the years have made a investent in reloading equipent that alows me to aford reload thus shooting.
I figure a Lee press, dies, powder scale, tray, and sizing wax along with a RSBS hand primer as the min to strat with. I know they have calipers too.
While I love my Noslers, I can't imagine a .30-30 stressing a bullet enough that a garden variety Speer, Hornady or Sierra 170 grain wouldn't do the job.
I've been loading up Hornady's FTX with H LVR but am close to out of em. A friend just gave me a bunch more 30-30 brass... the PTs might be a neat option.