300 Ultra Mag Load Reduction



Here's the results after reducing my initial loads in order to use re-sized brass. This is Retumbo powder and will try RL 25 later. :mrgreen:


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I'm having an issue with the primers, being slightly raised around the pin indentation. No other signs of pressure, very clean looking cases, smooth extraction. I have heard it's related to pressure but could it be a head space issue? These are previous cases shot with lots of pressure, just re-sized. Should I throw them out & start with new cases, then re-size.

This rifle is a converted 7mm Rem Mag re-barreled to 300 Ultra Mag, Model 700 Rifle. I don't believe the bolt face needed any re-work at that time.

It is hard to say without seeing the primer. It could be as simple as a stronger than usual spring driving your firing pin. It could be chamber stretch, but usually you will see other indications if that is taking place (brass smear, etc.). If the primers are fitting without noticeable loss of friction on seating, there is no particular reason to toss your cases.
2 shot group? If not Shoot a third round. If they are there you're done. Fed 215 primers ALWAYS crater on me!
Pop & Dr. Mike,

I only loaded two shots for each load level just to see if I would experience pressures initially. This gun previously was wiping case heads with 97.0 grains of Retumbo. The 96.0 load was just at the 3300-3330 fps level but the group opened up. I shot the 97.0 one time, wiped the case head as it previously did the other year, without any velocity gain at 3300 fps. I stopped right there. I may try to tweak it to 95.5 later.

Back to the raised primer. What would be your thoughts of going to a Win LRM Primer or CCI250 Primer? Or would the Fed. 215 Match be better to eliminate the problem. I can live with the raised primer but do not want to risk ignition during cold weather hunts.

I mentioned I may try RL25 later. Have you experienced much velocity loss/gain with relation to temperature swings with Retumbo vs. RL25?


Don you do not have a problem buddy. Like I said I have never fired a federal 215 cap that did not crater and that is all I use in my magnums. Your velocity is looking safe . Load them up. Play with seating depth (if needed) and shoot 3 3 shot groups each bullet from a cool barrel. If you average sub MOA groups put it away and kill schitt! :twisted:
Why would you go up 0.5 grains? You will gain perhaps 10 or 15 fps, which is insignificant. As POP has stated, your velocity is safe. You really don't have a problem with your primers. While WLRM or CCI250 primers will work very well, the F215 is somewhat hotter and will ensure ignition. You won't lose velocity in the temperatures in which you hunt with RL25 or with Retumbo. Load up ten rounds and see what your group size really is.

I wish that I could shoot as well as you, DF, Mike, POP and a host of others here. I strive for 1 inch groups and don't always make that. Great shooting should I mention three shot groups ?? Nahhhh you have heard it enogh !!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Don, Your rifle might have a slightly oversized firing pin hole. Like other have said, the velocity is within normal range for the Ultra mag. Like Pop, I use Federal 215 primer exclusively on all my magnum loading. I think you found your load.

Looks to be a pretty good load. I would also suggest you shoot a couple more 3 shots groups to verify the load. Then zero the rifle and go hunt all of NA and African plains game.

I got what you're saying. Really I just want to move on with it, start shooting long range. I have already accomplished what I set out to do then, use my re-sized brass.

I'll stick with Fed 215 Primers and test some groups with this load pictured. I'm very pleased with the results from yesterday.I'm still going to reduce the current loading with RL25 later, see what it gives me.

Both of these powders gave excellent results previously when I worked with them. I can see now why Pop and others use Retumbo with shooting 200 Accubonds. :)

Thanks you guys for all your knowledge sharing, it's definitely been beneficial.

DON":4c4qmzzh said:
Thanks you guys for all your knowledge sharing, it's definitely been beneficial.

Don't thank us yet, you have not gotten our bill yet! :twisted:
Can I ask you what differences you experienced that made you pick Retumbo Powder for your 300 Ultra over some other Powders available? Did you have any good results using RL25?

That looks like a great shooter. Can't imagine doing much better than that. I wouldn't sweat the slight cratering. I just rid myself of a M700 that would crater everything I put through it. It made everything to include factory loads look like they were screaming HOT. Scotty
That's what I'm experiencing too Scotty. I was freaking out thinking I was doing something wrong or the gun had a serious problem. I do have a better understanding of what's going on nowsince getting good feed back from the blog family.

The only cure I have found is to invest in M70's! Just kidding, the Remingtons are shooters to. Just a little biased! Scotty
Model 70's are great rifles, no complaint here.

Today's Range results, switched to RL 25 from Retumbo Powder.




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Wow, that looks great Don. Can't see any muley walking away from that! Scotty