300 Win Mag / RL25 / 200gr PT's


Dec 24, 2006
Here are the results of shooting with RL25 and 200gr PT's in my buddies M70 Super Grade. Started at 75 and stopped at 78grs. Here are the targets.


76gr. Decent grouping, starting to come together

77gr. Really starting to try to group. Going to mess with seating depths and see what happens

78gr's just started to string horizontally

I think it wants to shoot at 77, so I will go a 1/4 turn in on the seating stem and see what happens. I also want to see what kind of speed we are getting before I move on too much. Scotty
What sort of velocities and standard deviations on the groups, Scotty? I agree that there is potential here.
Mike, I am not sure about speeds. We were shooting on a timeline and didn't have the chrono set up. I know, bad move. I was more about trying to see if my 25-06 would shoot and I figured I would be able to go back and see what they were shooting if I found a winner.

Pop, I think your right, I am going to get some Federal 215M's the next time out. Never used them, but I hear good things from you all about them. I always have RL22 to fall back on also. Seems like it wants to shoot with 77, so I may just change up the primer and reshoot. Scotty

I think your on the right track with the RL25. Also, regarding primers for a large mag case, the 215M's are the benchmark. But if I were you I would mess with seating depth further before I switched anything else out. I know you know this, but you really need/should run it over the chrono to really gauge where you are, i.e: are your psi signs corresponding with your powder charge, etc, finding your optimum pwdr chg... Then make adjustments with seating depth and dont be afraid to make drastic seating depth adjustments....

But dont give up on the RL25 too quick... Its a great powder for the combo your working with....

Thanks Rod, I think I will go a quarter turn on the seating stem and then put them over the chrono. It is a little difficult for me to do the load work, when it is my partner that is shooting the rifle. He is a great shooter, but I am sure you get what I am saying. It really seems like RL25 is a great one. I can see the rifle wanting to shoot, so I am pretty sure we will find what we are looking for shortly. I think it will be an excellent combo if we can hit 2900 with MOA accuracy. I can't see anything not succumbing to that load. Plus, it should really hammer game out further!

Another good thing, that I see at least, is that it looks like you almost couldn't fit enough RL25 in a 300 Win Mag case with 200gr bullets to run over pressure. Even the load at 78gr's looks really good pressure wise. Nice round primers, no flatness, cases look great. Seems like it should be good with a little work. Scotty
RL25 and Fed215M's work for me with the 200 gr bullets in 300 win mag


went a little higher to 2925 fps but accuracy fell off a little so went back down. Works in all the 300 win mags I have loaded for.
Woods, thanks for posting that up. Shows me I am on the right track! Man, that target made my day. Speed looks excellent also. Scotty

That is excellent velocity and a really impressive group for the 300 WM.
I showed the group to the owner of the 300 Win Mag. Now he has something to shoot for! If we can work something into that sized groups and speed, we will be in there! Scotty