300wm Range Day

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Very disappointed with the results.
I loaded up 3 each 180gr AB over 78.0grs of RL26 which was a node in my 10 shot test.
They were loaded .070", .080" and .090" off the lands. The first set .070" grouped 1.179"x.643" ,the .080" set was 3.469"x1.435" landed off the target on to the backer, the .090" set was 2.892"x.583" vertical string I was dialing the new Burris scope in as I shoot each group after sighting in at 25yds.
All groups were shot at 100yds.
A previous range day with the same load and bullet but .050 was tighter as was a max load 0f 80.5grs.
All my loadings with Accubonds have always gotten tighter when loaded between .090" and .100" off the lands.
This is my first experience with a rifle that they didn't like a lot of jump.
The one good thing about today was that I was able to compare the new Burris 3-9x40mm E1 to the Vortex Diamond Back HP 3-12x42mm with side focus I had on it for the first range testing. On 9x I could see the bullet holes clearly with the Burris but with the Vortex the bullet holes were fuzzy and hard to see. The Burris appeared to have better glass and coatings than the Vortex.


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FOTIS":2gcwpi71 said:
What rifle is this?
I picked up a push feed M70 300wm for a reasonable price and stuck it in a B&C medalist stock I had.
Scotty has been working with me using RL26 but he is somewhere in WY about now.

Try 75.0 grs RL 22 with the 180 gr bullet.
This load shot sub MOA in 3 different rifles and there are several others here that have had the same results.

Ya, RL-22 is a proven, superb powder for the 300 Win mag.

There are others, but that one is so well proven...

Also, some 300's really like a flat based bullet, like a Nosler Partition or even the 200 gr Speer soft point.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I loaded up another set seating the bullet out to see if that works.
I do have some 180gr Partitions I will try.
So far the only Alliant Reloader powder I have found to work for me has been RL17 but that was in a different caliber and rifle.
I'm beginning to think RL26 may not work though I have seen high velocity with it that is not my goal.
Rodger, the load that is .070" off is not bad. My 300 wsm with 180gr AB's did the same thing, .070 was about an inch group and it got worse at .080, .090, .100. I went back to .065 and.075 and .075 shot a .394" group. Good luck!
AFG270":3fxy8a1y said:
Rodger, the load that is .070" off is not bad. My 300 wsm with 180gr AB's did the same thing, .070 was about an inch group and it got worse at .080, .090, .100. I went back to .065 and.075 and .075 shot a .394" group. Good luck!
I decide to stretch them back out since the first loads were .050" and shot better.
I was trying to tighten them up by going shorter and it back fired. It could also be that they are too fast and I need to slow them up some since most of what I've read the on AccuBond the 300wm gets it's best accuracy somewhere around 3050fps.