.308 or 270wsm or ......


May 12, 2009
I'm having a pretty good debate with myself and need some other opinions to tip the scales. I have two out of state hunts in the next year; an antelope hunt this fall in wyoming and a plains game hunt in Namibia next May. I'm looking to justify a new rifle...already have a 338wm and 325wsm looking for a lighter rifle. I'm considering .308 or a 270wsm - I'm a short action and kimber fan. I'm also trying to decide which two to bring to Africa. Maybe I should go with 375 ruger and load the 325 with 180s.Gosh this is fun! :lol:
I have both the 308 and 270WSM. For sheer power and trajectory the 270WSM is a pretty nice, it is very close to the 7mm Rem Mag, and shoots very flat, it also loads very easily and seems like a really accurate round. My M70 270WSM is kind of like my 30-06 of rifles. It is the one I grab for when I am just going to hunt and not really sure what conditions and shots will be like. With a 300 yard zero, and good bullets it makes hitting far pretty easy for me.

The 308 is very efficient, doesn't use much powder and shoots flat with lighter bullets, and is accurate as I could hope for. Recoil is a little less than the 270WSM, but not really enough to notice. Both are great multi purpose rounds, but I think the 270WSM looks a little sportier and has done well from Elk-deer for me. A 270WSM in a little Kimber would be a nice carrying, powerful all around rifle. Scotty