35 Whelen Brass

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Being bored and confined inside do to the weather I have been looking at my Whelen brass and sizing procedure closely.
With new virgin Nosler brass on hand and new seconds also I decided to check the difference against some that has been fired and resized in my Redding dies, I also have some Remington fired brass that has been sized to check against.
New unfired Nosler brass neck OD .380" ID .354". Nosler Seconds new unfired OD .379" OD .353". I checked multiple pieces to get my figures. Just for grins I checked some that were fired in my rifle and the Nosler brass was OD .390" and the ID .365".
The reason for all this was I thought my sizing die was over working my brass and decided to check against Noslers factory ready to use brass. I have to say the Nosler brass is a work of art with the primer pockets being machined and flash holes drilled instead of punched or swagged .
I have some that was fired and resized in my dies and the measurements came out to OD .379" ID .353" exactually what the Nosler seconds dimensions are. I had some resized Remington also and the resized dimensions were the same OD .379" and ID .353".
The neck thickness was all the same at .013" for all brass.
The expander button from the sizing die is tapered and the widest diameter measured .365".
Sized brass with out the neck expanded was, Nosler OD.371" and Id .346". The Remington brass measured the same.
I was looking to see what if any spring back would occur between the to brands of Brass and there was none that I could tell.
What I did find out was the new unfired Nosler premium brass dimensions are larger than their seconds and my sizing die. Also the spring back is the same for both brands of brass so the alloy is the same 70% copper and 30% zinc and the hard was also the same.
So what did I learn from this?
My dies are consistent in sizing the brass and that I should size the new premium brass before loading to have consistent neck tension.
Yes indeed, the Nosler brass is good stuff.
