45-70 300 grain Silver tip loading


Dec 6, 2010
I recently purchased some of the new Ballistic Silver Tip 300 grain bullets for my 45-70. I am shooting a New England Arms handi rifle. I am planning to use this round for deer size critters and hogs in south Arkansas and Texas. I have not seen any loads yet for this particular bullet. Does anyone have some good loads worked up yet?
Beardog, JD338 will be along shortly, but I imagine if you have any H322 or 4198 (H or IMR) you would be in great shape. Sounds like a cool rifle. Should be a thumper. I am using the 300gr PT right now, but I think I would like to try the 300gr BST as a practice bullet. Scotty

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here with us.

The 458 300 BST is an impressive bullet! I am shooting it out of a Marlin 1895 Guide gun at 2050 fps. Accuracy is .400" at 100 yds.

I shot a deer this past fall and recovered the bullet after penetrating about 26" of deer.


I also shot this bullet out of a T/C Omega 50 cal using the MMP sabots (Orange for .458 cal bullets) and shot this buck last night.

Nosler has a winner of a bullet and you will be happy with the results!

so what load would you all suggest I start with if using the 4198?

The gun is pretty nice I have three barrels for it one in .223, one in .270 and the 45-70. I am very happy with how well it shoots and have taken three deer in Arkansas this year with the .270.

Thanks for the info I am glad I found this site. Hopefully I will be able to assist someone as well.

The only powder I have used in the 45-70 is H322. Excellent accuracy and velocity, I just can't see that trying a different powder will make a difference.

Here is the load I am using.....

300 gr BST
59.0 grs H322
R-P case
Federal GM210M primer
MV is 2050 fps from the 1895 Guide Gun
Remember to start low and work up.

JD338 thanks for the info.

I will give this a try and let you know how it works out.

I have used this bullet in the .270 at 150 grains on three deer this year and two last year. Very pleased with the bullet performance and am anxious to try it out in the 45-70 on some pigs. I will let you know.
Check out Hodgdon's data for the 300gr bullet. They list great loads that will make that bullet sing. It should be an awesome bear and deer bullet for sure. Jim is racking up the animals with it! Scotty
Excellent I will check them out.
I am away on business all week but itching to get back home to load some rounds up and do some testing.

Thanks everyone for the great advice. Will keep you posted.
I have been trying to load the 300 gr silver tip bullet into the 45-70 cases but am having trouble. Every time I try to seat a bullet I end up crushing the rim of the case. I have both new brass and once fired brass, both have been run through a full length sizing, and expander die but still no luck. I tried to expand further but am at the max and still ruining the cases.

I can't figure out what the problem is. I have not had this trouble before on any of the shells I load, only with this one. I am using a lee hand press and Lee dies. I have ruined several cases trying to figure this out - now I am asking the experts out there.

BearDog, are you sure you cannot expand the case mouth a little more? That seems odd you are having issues. Are your cases beveled also? Just wondering. I would try expanding them if possible. Get a good flare. If you could take a picture, that would help too. Scotty
You need to bell the case mouth more. Losen up the lock ring on the die to allow it to screw down more.

JD338 - I was using a lee expander die with the powder drop through the die. I had it all the way down and still had problems. I got frustrated and went out and bought a new set of dies, 3 die set from RCBS. It works great. Guess it will be a little X-mass present to myself.

Thanks for the reply.

Let you know how those silver tips work on Texas pigs.

Happy Holidays
Man, that sounds good. I run a LEE set also. Wished I would have bought the RCBS set myself, although, I really like the Factory Crimp Die. Worth every penny. Scotty