45 ACP


Jan 26, 2012
I had a binge moment and picked up a Sig 227 and am thinking it's time to start reloading that 45acp brass I've been collecting for years.

Anyone have any pet loads for the 185g or 200g Montana Gold or other plinking bullets? I'll likely be setting up my 550 to run these.

I'd really like to find a great load with N320. I'm already stocking that one deep for the 124g 9mm and I'd like to stick with one powder.
Not my choice of powder for the .45 acp but this is from VihtaVuori -185gr TMJ N320 - 5.8grs = 937fps to Max 6.5grs for 1047fps. 200gr TMJ 5.1grs = 878fps and Max 5.8grs = 983fps . These loads are from a VihtaVuori manual printed in 1999.
My target load is N310 4.2 grs under a 185gr Nosler HP. Out of my Custom 1911 this load will shoot 1 1/2 to 2" groups at 50yds. It is also used by the Marine pistol team and the Army AMU team for competition.
I load 8.9 gr Power Pistol with the 185s. Its a fairly warm load but fun to shoot. Use it with both Hornady XTPs and Berry's 185s.
Don't load any 200s so can't help there.
Thanks gents - very helpful. I think I'll try the 320 before moving onto 310. I'm just a big fan of VV all around - Just seems to run extremely cleanly.