6mm-250 03-A3 by HW Creighton


Jan 17, 2011
I picked this Sako-barreled Remington 03-A3 built by Tenn benchrest rifle builder HW Creighton few years ago. It was in rough shape and needed a stock refinishing, as well as a parkerizing job.


I didn't know his name when I bought the rifle, but when I got this as my first group on paper I investigated and found he has a pretty darned good reputation in his circles:


I've done a little bit of load experimentation with 85 gr Sierra HPBTs, 90 gr NBTs, and 100 gr Interlocks because I'm a rifle looney and they all did well enough for a hunting rifle. As a first I am proud to say that after that first three-shot group I figured I better buy 1100 75 gr Hornady HPs & a 5 lber of RL15.

Well anyway, my wife took the kids to the beach late Friday afternoon so I ran home, grabbed the 6 and some experimental loads of Ramshot Hunter w/ moly'd 90 gr Speer Hot Cors that I traded into a couple of weeks ago and went out.

As I was on my way down there I decided to drop by my client's place. He planted his huge yard in soybeans and always has had a killer crop of 'chucks, so I figured there'd be even more. I was right. As soon as I pulled up I spotted this FAT HOG who ran for his hole until I stopped. He just sat there flat against his hole at about 150 yards. I reached into my back seat and uncased the 6, put on my hearing protection w/ the car still running and popped a 75 gr HP that went right through his shoulders with a MASSIVE exit wound. He didn't squirm. I wondered if I'd missed, 'cept he'd been jumpy enough that I knew he'd scram if I shot so I went down there. Second 'chuck I've capped with this rifle and the second time I kicked myself for leaving the camera home!

I went down to a little dump that passes for a redneck shooting range and put a political yardsign in the ground w/ those peeling reflective targets on it. The "happy" charge of Hunter was 40 gr and over the roof of my car at 100 yards I printed a TIGHT little .8" clover leaf!!!!!!!!!

WHEW HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'm getting 3k fps from it or there abouts, I got a good group from 42 gr and I'm sure that'd give me around 3250 fps or so, but those tiny little clover leaves are hard to resist!!!!! I've found Hunter to be extraordinarily useful in this rifle, giving best velocities w/out the cratered primers that plague it due to a larger than typical firing pin hole. Aren't those moly'd bullets in nickel cases purdy??

Gonna try out some 60 gr Sierra HPs w/ IMR4895 next, but it sure is nice having what I call the "magic load" for this rifle!

I'm positive I'll be running those Nosler 55 gr varmint bullets as my supply of 75s is more than half way gone! 1000 for $104 is tough to beat :) !

Can't wait to take her out for the special antlerless only season this fall!
That was a sure enough find. Fine group you have there. Congratulations on an excellent rifle.
Awesome rifle Eric and man, what a great shooter. That looks like one sweet rifle/cartridge combo. Congrats on the fat Woodchuck! Scotty
Thanks a lot gentlemen. I don't have to tell you how amazed and satisfied I was when I got the first-ever-on-paper group from a DIRT CHEAP rifle!!!!!

I think I have like 500 rounds through it cuz it is such a joy to shoot...
In my mind, one has to love a 6mm anything for chucks. That rifle is just plain special, and a quite a find. Also your 6-250's accuracy, is something I really didn't find suprising. Good Score!!
Eric -
this is the last time we will accept not getting pictures. :p There is nothing I like pictures of exploded p-dogs or chucks. I have a good friend in the Kalamazoo area that is constantly talking about the chucks he shoots in that area, but have to remind him that it only counts when I see pictures. It doesn't sound like you got any "lift" on the chuck...let's see what the back-side looks like.
Ha ha... thanks but I've found that the surest way to keep from shooting a 'chuck is to bring a friend & a camera! This morning I took my wife's cousin & my camera and we didn't even see one in an area where I know there are TONS! ARGH!

I've tested these 75 gr HPs in dry telephone books and they act like little NPTs w/ the front section back to the cannelure bursting off and the little rear core penetrating pretty deeply. Weird for a varmint bullet... I am pretty sure I could (if I wanted to; REAL deer bullets shoot too well through this rifle to need to) kill a deer pretty handily & have a "one stop shop" in this bullet.

Will definately keep my camera ready to go now that I know I'm on final warning :) !
So I made another trip to the range...

With 43 gr of Hunter I got about 3300 fps and a sub-inch group w/ the 90s!!

With 38 gr of IMR-4895 under 60 gr Sierra HPs I got about 3450 and a VERY sub-inch group!!

The coolest part? Zeroed for the "magic" 75 gr load, the 60 gr is dead-on, and the Speer about an inch high! 3 loads covering woodchucks, 'yotes, and deer, all the same POI!!!!

Damn I LOVE THIS RIFLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to nail a 'chuck w/ that 60 gr load and will be sure to bring my camera :grin: !