7-30 Waters

The 7-30 Waters is a cool round. I have one in a T/C Contender hand gun.

For years I kept a couple of boxes of 139 grain Hornady FP bullets in anticipation that I would be buying one of these. It never happened. Actually, for a committed Model 94 aficionado that wouldn't be a terrible price. I'm Model 94 poor at the moment, however. It would be a fun rifle to work with.
I always thought a Savage 340 in .30-30 converted to a 7-30 running pointy bullets would be fun.
If I had tons of money that one would be coming home, it looks to be in very good shape. I believe Speer also makes a bullet for the 7-30 Waters, a Hot Cor weighing 130 gr which would be excellent for deer in particular. I have also found a few 307 Win's recently too that are a bit less money than this one, another round that should have been more popular than it was.
I picked up the two .307s I own at about one-half this price. One was $400 (including shipping and a Tasco scope :oops: ); the other was $450 (including shipping). The first had about ten rounds through it; the latter had not been used much at all. So, yeah, the price on this Waters is a tad steep. I suspect it is because it was such a limited run. I've only seen a couple of others pass through this jurisdiction.
I have an improved version in a TC also, But the 7-30 as is is a fine round. Used within it's limitations, I could do with it as my only rifle. That rife would be nice to have!