7.62 x 39 load data


Jan 6, 2011
I have a very nice Ruger M77 in 7.62 x 39 that shoots Russian Golden Bear 123 gr ammo under 1 inch. However, since reading about the wear caused in barrels by the bimetal (copper coated steel jackets) bullets, I want to start realoding for this caliber, particularly the Barnes TSX 123 gr.

Do any of our esteemed members have some good load data or information that they would like to share with me?

Interesting, not too many bolt 7.62x39 guns out there. Do you know if it's a .308 bore or a .310? I'd think the 125 grn Ballistic Tips would be great if it was a 308.

I've played with the idea of loading for this round in my SKS, but usually you can just buy cheaper rounds. But I'd be interested on what some folks have to say about it!
According to Ruger data, it is a .310 bore. That is why it shoots the Russian ammo so well. My concern with the Russian ammo is barrel wear, according to some tests I have seen. But I would not really shoot the quantity thru a bolt that most would shoot thru an AK or SKS, but I still have an issue shooting ammo thru an accurate rifle that will eventually damage the bore.
Accurate 1680 was made for the 7.62X39. They list start load of 23.0 grs and max load of 25.5 gr with 125 Sierra .311 diameter bullets. I don't know about those solid Barns bullets. They don't take as much powder as cup and core bullets do to run into pressure. Start low and work up. Vith N130 and H322 also works pretty good
Jim, mine doesn't like the .308 bullets.

I would try the Sierra .311's. At the moderater velocities you will be pushing them at, I would expect more reliable performance from the Sierra's.