7 RUM/162 AMAX


Nov 17, 2005
I loaded up few loads tonight with some 162 amaxs for my 7 RUM. I found again, I cannot reach the lands in this rifle, even with the 162 amax...hopefully I can get her to shoot off the lands with these amaxs. I need 1/2 MOA or better out of these going at least 3250 to even make it really worth keeping around I think.

3 shot groups with the following powder charge combos below. Shooting will be done at 100 yards off a benchrest.

92/93 Retumbo
89/90 H1000
90/91 RL25

Rem cases, CCI 250s, 3.650"

Borrowed friends a cronograph so well get some velocities this time around with H1000 and RL25. Only load I've yet to crono was the 92g of retumbo with 160 AB and it was doing 3250 average.

We shall see in the morning. Will definately keep ya guys posted.
Good luck Jorey, looking forward to seeing how it does with the AMax's. I imagine the speed will be there. Throw some pictures up if you can.
Mine is a 7wsm but the 162Amax worked best from mine a good ways off the lands. My first batch I loaded up .005" off the lands and they shot terrible. I loaded up some more that were .145" off the lands and it's stayed .5" - .75" @ 100yds

I hope you find what you are looking for. I hit pay dirt with 93.0 grs Retumbo and the 160 gr AB.

Played around with some of the .30/168g AMAXs this weekend out of my AR10 and had a great surprise. Found a nice plinking load that stacked the holes on top of each other.

It's probably not such a big deal, but for someone that doesn't sort their bullets before loading (Weight or distance to ogive), I love just how consistent the seating depth to COAL is. The AMAX seems to have the smallest variation in COAL compared to the sierras I have been using.
Shooting went rather well for first trip out with the 162 amaxs...

2 different powders gave me a 5/8" group, 90g H1000 and 92g retumbo.

It didn't care for RL25 at all. 90g did 1 3/8" and 91g did a 2 shot group of 2", didn't waste a 3rd shot...

H1000 at 89g put 2 dang near touching and flung other 1 1/4" out. 90g put 3 in a horizontal line into 5/8" almost all touching anyway.

Retumbo at 92g put 2 touching and 3rd a bullet hole out making for 5/8" group. 93g did a 1.5" triangle.

Also reshot the 160g AB/89g H1000 load that did 5/8" last time out. Not so good this time around. Put 2 within half inch and the other was 1.5" out. Still think the OAL is the biggest problem here.

My winny 25-06 punched a couple nice 5/8" groups as well with 100g NBTs and 56g AA3100.
Jorey, push them in some. I know the AB's really started to tighten up once they were shortened and had a good jump from the rifling. The AMax's may respond the same as well.. Can't hurt, you have the powder charges down now.
I'm going to reshoot the 90g H1000 and 92g retumbo. See if either of them is repeatable, then probly stick with whichever powder is giving me consistent groups with what I got to work for COL wise.

I can't go much shorter then about 3.6" otherwise bullets will be falling in the case.

Given this, looks like I've got a very short COL range from 3.6" to 3.670"

I could live with consistent 3/4 MOA, just hard to swallow knowing its a sendero and is capable of so much more. I don't wanna waste 1/3 barrel life just trying to find a 1/2 MOA load consistently if it just won't do it.

Also have the 89g H1000/160 AB to shoot again. See how it does a 3rd time out.

Have 90 rounds through her now. Going to keep a good record on barrel life on this one. Shouldn't be to hard as short as it will probably be HAHA!

Keep the barrel cool and clean. I would guess you should get 1500 rounds.
FWIW, 93.0 grs Retumbo and the 160 gr AB gets 3300 fps.

JD338":1pjl5kpg said:

Keep the barrel cool and clean. I would guess you should get 1500 rounds.
FWIW, 93.0 grs Retumbo and the 160 gr AB gets 3300 fps.


That is one hammering load Jim.. I am surprised you haven't talked that lad out of that rifle yet. It would be the perfect twin to your 338...

I would levy a tax for dating your daughter!