7mm rem mag flyers to right


Apr 23, 2012
SAKO 85 stainless laminate 7mm rem mag 162 sst h4831 cci250 primers .022 from lands. Loading in federal brass. Problem is at 62.5 grains i start getting flyers to the right, 1 out of 4. At 62 grains ill get a .50 group, at 62.5 ill get a tighter group with a flyer to the right about a .75 inch away, at 63 tighter group and a flyer will move further right, and so on. Will changing away from h4831 to h1000 or retumbo help? i would like to stay with hodgen extreme powders.
I think I would focus on the 62.5 gr load and start seating the bullets deeper by .005" increments until you find Utopia.

Could possibly be a bedding issue...maybe once the recoil reaches a certain point something is "giving"....just a thought.

If it will group 3 tight shots...I wouldn't worry about...those 5 shot groups are for the Tactical guys in a target rich environment.
RR could be on to something.
Bedding/freefloat issue.
Also as JD mentioned, sometimes the "multi groups" can be resolved by adjusting seating depth.
I'd check bedding and barrel channel, an if everything was kosher go to work on the COL.
yeah I agree check the bedding, could be pressure, also IMR 7828 is between H4831 and H-1000, it is also a single based powder so should be just as tempature insensative as the extreme powders, which IMO is a maketing ploy hodgdon uses for its single based powders. If your experiencing the "group within a group" syndrone, you could improve it with seating closer to the lands if you have mag space to spare.
According to the Hodgdon manual, your load is pretty low pressure and that may be part of the equation. Even at 64.0 grains the load is only 49 KIPS chamber pressure. Usually, higher capacity cases reuire higher pressure to settle down and shoot well. You are still a couple grains below maximum for that cartrige. I would work up to higher loads with H 4831 1/2 grain at a time. It might help? Are you using a magnum primer?
QL lists the max with that bullet and powder closer to 65.5gr. Looks like you have some room to play with. Like OT suggested, I've had most of my best luck with H4831 closer to max loads.

This could give you another option to explore.
At 64 grains the groups fell apart. But from 62.5-63.5 groups would have been tight except for a flyer in a 4 shot group always right, the more grains the more it moved right.
That sounds more to me like a bedding issue. If you always have bimodal groups to the right and they always trend right, it is either the shooter or the stock is bearing somewhere it should not be.
I'd keep bumping up the charge till you see pressure signs and see if it hit the next node and settled down before ya saw pressure signs. when I work up a load, I use a chrony and a mid-to top level load and work up till my velocity gets squirrely, then back off 2 gr. if accuracy and velocity suits me I tweak col. I've done it so long I sometimes forget not everyone uses a chrony, but it tells you alot about your rifle.
Yup or try 66 gr of RL22. You might want to play with stock screw torque.
After digesting all the info from all the targets i have, i have concluded that after 62 grains of h4831 things start falling apart. my 62 grain group measures .41'' group at a little under 2850 fps.
I have since baught some federal 215 primers a pound of h1000 and a pound of retumbo for the 162 sst in 7mm rm. any load data will be appreciated. im using federal brass h1000 and hornandy brass for the retumbo. I read somewhere that somtimes guys had problems like i had with flyers in one direction and the fix was to use slower burning powder. i think its worth a try, and should have fun trying to make it work. hopefully i can get a nice group around 2950 fps, opinions would also be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Scope or scope mounts? My son had a hard time keeping the mounts/screws tight on his Sako in 300WSM, but that lightweight rifle had quite a recoil... It would print some here then there, till the problem was discovered.

Dovetail scope mounts (I don't know what you might have) also have a potential to shift left/right if the dovetail isn't real tight. I discovered this on a pdog hunt one time, when I accidentally bumped the rifle over on its side in soft earth while it was sitting on a 6" bipod. That shifted the POI 6" to the right at 100 yards. BT
"After digesting all the info from all the targets i have, i have concluded that after 62 grains of h4831 things start falling apart. my 62 grain group measures .41'' group at a little under 2850 fps."
Were it me, I would say you have your load. Sub half inch groups with 160's should do anything you need.
However to each his own. Have fun trying..... :) CL