7mm Weatherby Magnum Data?


Mar 15, 2005
I have never been one to settle for the common calibers. I recently sold my 340 WBY and bought a 7mm WBY in a MKV ultra lite. I love this rifle. I have used nosler partitions for years with great success. I still believe that a 225 gr. 338 cal Partition at 3100 fps is the best all around cartridge in North America, unfortunately, the recoil is too severe to tolerate any longer. On to my question for the fine folks at Nosler. Can you please give me some detailed data for reloading the 7mm WBY. I lost my reloading manuals in a move and really don't want to purchase new ones to work up loads for this rifle. I mainly hunt elk in CO. Shots range from 25 yards to 300 yards, so a well constructed bullet is a must (Partition or AccuBond) I am not bias to any particular weight of bullet. 140,150 or 160 gr pills will all do te job on elk as long as the shot placement is correct. I have tried 160 gr sierra bullets in this rifle, but accuracy ran around 2.5 moa for four shots. I have a feeling that the rifle preferes the lighter fodder based on groups achieved with 139gr factory ammo (.5-.75 moa). If you can please post some data for these bullets I will be in debt to all of you for eternity.
While I am sure Nosler will respond with some good data for you, I shoot a 7mm Wby Magnum and have a good load I would like to share with you.

My rifle is a Remington 700 Classic with a 24 inch barrel, but it is still pretty darned fast as far as velocities go.

My favorite 7mm Wby Mag load is a Remington case, a Fed 215M primer, 72 grains of IMR 7828, and the 160 grain Nosler Partition.

In the latest Nosler manual they show 73 grains of IMR 7828 getting 3040 fps. However in my rifle I am getting velocities that are a good deal higher than that. Maybe I just have a "fast" barrel or maybe the use of the Remington case is contributing. My velocities are over 3150 fps. This is one reason I own a chronograph. My 7mm Wby Mag gives velocities that are faster than expected while my 300 Wby Mag is sort of dissapointing.

This load will group five shots in the 3/4 of an inch range anytime I do my part.

Hope you like the new 7mm Weatherby, it is a much overlooked round.

R Flowers---- Thank you for the suggestion -- I am at the bencch working up a test load now..