ACCIDENT..... .308 in a .2506


Jun 21, 2007
Thats what happens when you dont take care of your actions. Was a FN belgium made action with a .2506 shilen barrel, the actor only had small cuts and burns, the action handeled the pressure, I dont know how a .30cal bullet passed through a .25 Cal hole but it passed. I have the video but I dont know how to publish it. Always take care youre risking your eyes, hands or maybe your life yours and of others.
This is the exact moment of the explosion.


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Now that is not quite the way I would wish to be swaging a bullet! What a surprise that must have been! Consequently, must have really been some copper wash on that barrel!
DrMike":23c95rv4 said:
Now that is not quite the way I would wish to be swaging a bullet! What a surprise that must have been! Consequently, must have really been some copper wash on that barrel!
Copper wash, now that's funny! Good thing the lead core was soft enough to deform I'd say?
Yikes! I've read some about forcing slightly larger diameter bullets down a worn out tube on purpose, but .308 to .257 is pretty drastic. The thing I read was a guy putting .311's down a worn out 30-06, he claimed decent accuracy. YMMV. Don't try this at home! :)
There's a wildcat .25-308, I can't remember the name... Don't think this is how it's supposed to be formed...

Glad there was no serious injury. Dang... Putting a .308 into a .25-06... Sigh...

I am particularly careful about this since I have a pair of very similar looking Rem 700 CDL rifles, one in .25-06 and one in .30-06... I do NOT want to ever put the wrong ammo in the wrong rifle!

The .25 in the .30 would just rattle around on the way out probably. Other way around, not funny!
Unless the chamber is very sloppy I don't think a 30-06 would chamber in a 25-06 due to the larger diameter neck of the 30-06 case but I could be wrong since I've never tried to put an empty 30-06 case into a 25-06 chamber.
Ill try and get pics from a friend who bought, as a teaching aid for his firearms safety classes, a 270 in a Remington automatic that was destroyed when a 30-06 was fired through it. The guy walked away but the rifle is a total loss. Imbedded the bolt in the back of the receiver where it remains, and blew the trigger and clip out the bottom of the rifle. Bullet made it through the barrel but talk about a pressure spike....CL
Guy Miner":20v3j66o said:
There's a wildcat .25-308, I can't remember the name... Don't think this is how it's supposed to be formed...

Glad there was no serious injury. Dang... Putting a .308 into a .25-06... Sigh...

I am particularly careful about this since I have a pair of very similar looking Rem 700 CDL rifles, one in .25-06 and one in .30-06... I do NOT want to ever put the wrong ammo in the wrong rifle!

25 Souper is the name of that wildcat.
G'Day Fella's,

Wow, some interesting video footage!
I have heard of .308 being fired in .270 Wins before.
I'm just trying to imagine what a 150grn (or heavier) .257" bullet, actually looks like!

It would be interesting to see an image of the Before and After groups, from this same .25-06!

Must have been hard to chamber, the 308 Win case is larger diameter at the shoulder than any '06 based case is at that point.