accubond tip problems


Jun 28, 2009
I opened up a new box of 165gr accubonds and found someproblems with the tips. Some of the tips look like they have melted away from the bullet.
A few of us have had problems with the tips falling out as well. Call Nosler and tell them your problem. They will fix it for you!!

I believe the problem is the flux used in the bonding process was not completely washed away.
Remmy is spot on. Call Nosler Customer Service, 800 285 3701 and they will make it right for you.
Unfortunately, no one is perfect. Its how a company takes care of their customers is what makes the difference. Let us know how things work out for you.

There is a problem for us in Canada as Homeland Security will not permit shipping to individuals within Canada. I had two lots of ABs about a year ago that lost tips on several bullets, and a friend lost the tip on a couple of bullets out of a lot for loading in his 376 Steyr. When I informed Nosler, they indicated they were prepared to make it good, but it was not possible to satisfy the requirements of Homeland Security. I had hoped that the problem was resolved.
Iwill call nosler and see, though there wasn't very many that were deformed. It's nice to know nosler would make it right, but the border issue? We will see.
I had a similar problem. It looked like acid had attacked some of the plastic tips. Nosler sent me a replacement box, no charge.

If Nosler can't send a box of bullets to you directly they should just give you a voucher which can be used at any dealer. Just a thought.
thebear":2iktnsnl said:
Iwill call nosler and see, though there wasn't very many that were deformed. It's nice to know nosler would make it right, but the border issue? We will see.

Not sure about the boarder issue.
Talk to Mike Harris.

I had the same problem with a box of 165 308 Abs, called them and they shipped me a new box by the end of the week. Now that is good customer service. :grin:
I just phoned nosler and they will be sending me a new box as soon as they can. awesome!! :grin:
I just phoned nosler and they will be sending me a new box as soon as they can.


I'm glad for you. That was not my experience. Let us know when they work out the shipment for you.
thebear":322ddxs9 said:
I just phoned nosler and they will be sending me a new box as soon as they can. awesome!! :grin:


Nosler is a first class act, I knew they would take care of you.
Save those old bullets, you can use them for fouler rounds as you work up loads.

I had the same problem with 30 cal 200 grain accubonds. My oal was set at 3.41 in my 06 with my first box of bullets. When I loaded my next box to maintain the same distance from the lands I was at 3.93 and then I noticed the tips kind of sagging down. I didnot have any of the original box of accubonds to compare but the 168 grain Ballistic tip was definately pointier. I just loaded them and they shot the same as the others at 100 yards so I just let them alone. I measure OAL to the tip of the bullet.

I like hornady interbond bullets also but those tips are temp sensative. My wife washed my hunting pants with an interbond in the pocket and the tip melted in the dryer and severly deformed. As an experiment I left an interbond round on my dashboard and the tip deformed from the heat.I wonder what would happen to the tip if a round was chambered in a hot rifle and sat in there for a while. I am guessing it could be pretty hot in there compared to a dryer or dashboard.
Last night I took my model 70 apart for glass bedding and found several white tips in the magazine. I've never had this problem with the ballistic tips. I had one break off and jam the gun once before and I figured it was because I had the OAL too long for the magazine, maybe not! This is a 300 weatherby so it does kick a little (enough to break the tip off ).
I just got back from a session with my 300 wby model 70 shooting the 200 AccuBond. I payed careful attention while loading and shooting and found it would always knock the tip off the round just below the round being shot. It did this every time, so I really watched the Ballistic tips and there is no problem with them! Guess I will have to call them also, sure hope this problem gets fixed as the 200 AB is a great fit to the wby round.
OldMan":higu1x0f said:
I just got back from a session with my 300 wby model 70 shooting the 200 AccuBond. I payed careful attention while loading and shooting and found it would always knock the tip off the round just below the round being shot. It did this every time, so I really watched the Ballistic tips and there is no problem with them! Guess I will have to call them also, sure hope this problem gets fixed as the 200 AB is a great fit to the wby round.

Yup, give Mike Harris a call in Customer Service 800 285 3701.
Mike is a great guy and will take good care of you.

I called Nosler today and they went out of their way to resolve this problem. They are great people to deal with! 8) They are sending me new boxes of bullets for free and let me keep the old ones. Mike said to use them as hollow point if I wanted to. And they have resolved the problem!!

Life is good!
Glad to hear that you were taken care of. Nosler is a class act for sure.
Use the old bullets for fouling shots and target shooting. :wink:
