Accubond vs Partition


Mar 13, 2007
I'm planning for my first elk hunt next year in New Mexico and am wondering if I should use accubonds or partitions in my 300 WM. Most of what I've read about the accubonds has been good, but I talked to one guy who shot an elk last year with an AccuBond in a 300 WM who said it passed straight through with little damage. He claimed it was at 300 yards so it should have had good expansion. Any thoughts?
Every bullet on the market today gets good and bad reviews. Sometimes the bullet gets the blame even thought its the wrong bullet for the application or poor marksmenship. If you think about what a bullet is expected to do and under all hunting conditions, its a very tall order!

The AB's are very fine bullets. The 200 gr AB in your 300 Win Mag will be a long range hammer on elk. If you are not sure of the AB, go with the PT in either 180 gr or 200 grs. Remember, the PT is the bullet that all other bullets are compared to.

Personally I'm not too sure these plastic tipped bullets are as consistant on impact as the good old lead ones. For elk, if the Partition shoots good in your gun it would be my first choice, then the new e-tip, then the AccuBond.
Go ahead and shoot the 180 grain Accubonds. I have personally taken, or witnessed taken 11 different elk with this particular bullet out of either .300 Win Mags or .300 RUM's. The ranges have run from as little as 30 yards (.300 Win Mag) and 75 yards (.300 RUM) to a touch over 500 yards (.300 Win Mag).

The least weight percentage I have seen on the bullet is 51%, the greatest 73%...just like they were designed.

I used to shoot Partitions and there are no flies on it, but I don't forsee myself changing from the AccuBond...ever. It is a great bullet.

For what it is worth I have a good friend that used the 180 grain AccuBond out of .300 H&H and shot a bull in Utah that grossed just over 405 at about 80 yards...bullet did the proper damage and ended up in the aspen tree behind the elk. Doesn't get any better than that.
Nosler has long proven itself with all of the bullets they have produced. (Although I'm not a particular fan of the CT's) The Partition is a staple of hunting and will be for quite some time. The Ballistic Tip has proven itself and the AccuBond is in the process. I'm a huge fan of the AccuBond and the Partition. I don't think you could go wrong with either choice. Just the BC of close to .600 of the .30 Cal. 200gr AccuBond gives me chills. That is unreal.

As others have mentioned (no doubtedly much wiser than this 35 year old California boy) there are far too many factors in hunting to judge one particular bullet by one particular animal taken.

I did see (one right after the other) the Remington 150gr Accutip (.30-06) and Remington 100gr Accutip (.243 Rem.) take Antelope at 300 yards. The .30-06 punched right through the pelvis of a broadside Antelope. No signs of expantion. (luckily it hit an artery) The .243 punched through mid-ship, through the liver of another goat the next day. He ran about 500 yards before going down. That was two in a row that showed no expantion from two different calibers. I personally count that bullet out.
I've shot two deer with the AccuBond, both bullets completely destroyed the skulls. While they weren't recovered, there is no question that they did expand.
I will have alot of pictures to post after the Holidays showing various AccuBond killed WY. Mule Deer, Antelope & AR Whitetails & this week an AR. Elk. We still have a little hunting to do here in AR. Yes, the Accubonds work!!! The Elk was taken with a 300 & all others with a 270, with complete penetration & good expansion in every case from 60 yards to 410 yards.

Now about Elk. Mon.-Fri. of this week we had a special hunt for Elk in the Buffalo River area of North Central Arkansas. My younger brother was drawn for this special hunt, he received a Cow tag. Wed afternoon Robert got his chance. At about 175 yards he shot a good sized Cow that was
slightly quartering away. Upon entering the bullet center punched a rib, it distroyed the Heart & lower lungs, center punched the off side rib, entered the shoulder & exited the shoulder. The exit hole was small, much like a Part. does after the front part is gone. She tryed to run with the herd & made 15-20 yards. If a bloodtrail was needed, it was there. I don't know of anything better for the bullet to do. Oh yea, the gun!! Robbie's 300WM Browning A bolt was not grouping like he wanted, so he used my 300WM Sendero. The load was the 180Acc @ 3,075fps. I have loaded the 180NP &
the 180X bullet in the past, but I will stay with the Acc now, nuff said.

I wish you a good & safe hunt.