Ag tag?


Dec 2, 2010
I just got the list of farmers that have ag tags. My question is, when is it too early in the year to go and shoot an antlerless deer? I really don't want to shoot a doe with fawns but if it happens, I want the fawns to be old enough to survive without mom.
Call your state's game department and speak to one of the wildlife biologists who know the seer in your locale.

They should tell you when (approximately) fawns would have been weaned.

Unless you have a place to take the meat right away I ussually wait until we get cool fall nights . Mid September here, as it pans out that is ussually when I have time aswell. Should be getting a new to me PSE bow so I can retire my ol bear.
The game warden just told me the tags are out. If I were to hunt, I would have a cooler with ice in the truck and from the time of the shot to on ice would be quick.